A Rising Ape

Farewell Wander, and to you, Mr.Johnson, I'll miss the show, and these recaps (and animation coverage in general). It was an underappreciated show in most quarters, and I was happy to follow along with all of you, however lurkily.

Poor Tommen, born a Lord, died a King, and got buried in a hatbox.

'Course they have, ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. Nobody listens to you!

Most will be too busy trying to work out what the hell it is they just voted for this weekend.

Son of a goddamn bitch, that's a thing that exists in his head already? Suddenly Only God Forgives makes so much more sense… okay, SLIGHTLY more sense, it was a practice run! Refn, you magnificent son of a bitch!

Aw, Nicky, I love his work so much, and yet I am almost certain he's going to turn up with a meat-locker full of beautifully arranged, impeccably lit human heads.

The great thing about the Gorillaz is, even if you hate the current track or even the whole album, the next one is going to be something almost completely different. I got nothing out of Demon Days, loved Plastic Beach, the cosmic ballet goes on.

The man is an idiot-savant when it comes to singing the loud parts soft and the soft parts loud.

It's cool, these are stressful times, we're all on guard. Nobody devolved to insane name-calling, that puts us one up on 99% of the internet right now.

Lemmy lies naked, cradled by loam.

I'm well aware, and not looking to excuse any of that cro-magnon behavior in the slightest, Mr. Judgy Pants. Those guys were assholes, period. I am merely stressing that not everyone with a dislike for the genre had an ulterior motive, especially once it left the providence of the Black and Gay communities, and became

I want to say it was… Dutch-Philippino Scotsman?

Why? WHY didn't they shoot his legs??

I dunno about kindness, but it was inevitable. All credit goes to Jon Snow: Master of NEVER STICKING TO A PLAN.

The male Starks anyway, apparently the Never Use Tactics And Die Like An Idiot gene only appears in the Y chromosome.

Every time I read their names, I get Tituss Burgess and Hannibal Buress
confused. Does this make me racist against Carthaginians, Romans, or Black
-"A Friend Of Mine"

Oh absolutely, there will always be assholes looking for a pretext to be shitty, I just get anal whenever artistic snobbery has to share space with the real deal.

This is where I offer the friendly reminder that it is in fact physically possible to dislike dance music purely because you don't like DANCE MUSIC, no bigotry required!
-The More You Know! ♫

Hell, that could have been our house! My dad liked to put it on when he was showing off his fancy-pants new Betamax Video Cassette Recorder, and everyone was always too distracted to remember to clear the kiddies out of the room. If anything I'll probably show it to my kids eventually, really teach them to hate and