(Amazon Cloud dutifully records every word)
(Amazon Cloud dutifully records every word)
Punk rock, and affiliated artists, nothing like a bit of tooth-spitting defiance when it starts to feel like the assholes of the world might be winning.
Lately that's translated to a lot of Ezra Furman, a genderqueer rocker with a taste for British Glam and Punk of the late 70s/early80s. In particular:
This is why I prefer to identify as "omnislut".
AKA: What? Yes! What? Fuck! Yes! What?? Internet!!!
I dunno, I liked that era okay too, hell, Reign was kind of the vanguard for what I shall call the Extra-Brutal-ist Period (also failed pilot Korgoth of Barbaria but I digress). Mouse had an interesting sort of Dadaist version of the Prisoner thing going on that I liked, and Metalocalypse was consistently pretty funny…
It's the secret 8th sin : Wasting God's Bloody Time. We've got the free will, and the opportunity to exercise it, it's OUR problem. The punishment is for this shit to keep on happening until people stop Wasting God's Bloody Time and DO something bout the problem.
HUGE slam on subhuman garbage, out of NOWHERE!
I'll be there if I'm not somewhere else, at the one-and-only Carnival-Of FeeEeet!♫
I hear ya, my obsession waned around when Sea Lab finally called it quits. Not that they haven't done good work since, but that was kind of The End of the First Golden Age for them.
Damn it! I was feeling all swish because I caught some of the super duper secret "hidden" premieres at an absolutely inexcusable hour in 12/2000, and you have to go and predate me!. BAH!
Dear god I've missed those. Never stop, [AS], please? I need this! It was the last time I was HAPPY!
Aw, what a lovely, insane experiment Reign was.
It's From The Creator of Aeon Flux, you know!
I actually had a similar thought watching the scene, "My god, they've gone from no humor to synthesizing their own jokes, criticism, and irony in five minutes flat! They've created the AV Club of the quasi-bronze age!"
While I can respect the desire not to get murdered, it's worth remembering at times like these that the whole reason the parades started was to help stand up to this exact sort of motherfuckery. We kind of lost track of the resilience and solidarity stuff amid all the glitter and codpieces, but we can still draw on…
Jesus. What HAPPENED Britain? You used to be SO cool, and now you'll be lucky not to blow your own balls off in front of the entire international community! Worst of all, now you've gone and collectively un-chilled my shit, damn this week of horrors!
I'm not going to get into an argument over a matter of semantics and subjective perception. You say he was put on a pedestal, I say he was ignored, and dismissed. If he got less flack from the media, it was only because they spent half the primary trying to pretend he didn't exist, and the other half depicting him as…
Trust me, most of what I've read the last few days was nothing, except for self-indulgent temper-tantrums, premature speculation, and spiteful backbiting*. I know it's the hangover period for this primary, but the lack of perspective and restraint among people I expect better from has been just fucking awful.
Hell if…
Nothing, everything, I dunno, don't spend your day flipping through political bullshit, and if you do, DEFINITELY don't read the comments, that's my advice. Lotta naked hostility over nothing.