
It has become rampant on Jezebel the last few years. Kylie Cheung is among the most egregious. One can often learn less on a subject reading her articles that have a saccharine aftertaste in their ignorant snideness.

“I say hey everybody take a look at me. / I got a Netflix docu-men-ta-ry..."

Headline has been adjusted. I’m guessing the error wasn’t by the article’s author, but possibly by an overworked and underpaid young person desperate to make a living under a lousy employer.

“Your” not “You’re” in the headline.

If I DM you, could I get the replica of Armand Asante's nipples? I need them, very badly. Dollars, Euros, crypto: whatever you want.

Deo vindice” was the Confederate motto which means “With god on our side”.

Damain Wayne behind Dick Grayson as Batman, but you get the sonofabitch gist.

In high school, even yawping a few syllables from "Mother" got me and a friend to crack up.

Partyman! With a video that encourages people partying to death and mermaidicide? Do you WANT Tipper Gore to insert herself into the comments and ruin everyone's fun?

Fun list! Prince fan since 1982. The song “Purple Rain” has always bored me, and I could never bring myself to the National Anthem-level reverence other fans have when they hear it. I’d put “Adore” higher than it.

Live, dork, and prosper.

Yes, it was. Don’t ask how we got the footage, though. We promised not to tell.

The real saviors are the Chosen Ones we met along the way.

Rufio or GTFO.

Pretty sure Connor is essentially keeping Willa prisoner through financial and psychological leverage.

[Tinkly Harry Potter theme plays approaching Hogwarts from the sky.]

I like it! New opening line: “Hark! The herald savior of network television comedy!”

Even the first word of the review looks wrong. Should it be “Heralded...”?

Self-loathing energy drives so much horrible anti-human public and private actions. Sympathies to this young man’s memory, his family, and friends.

Ezra Miller’ll take you right into the Danger Zone!” - Tom Cruise