
Costumed Disney characters in the park are already obliged to keep silent. There’s nothing wrong or unnerving about guests doing the same and leading to a quiet library-like atmosphere. They should also cut the piped-in music so everyone can relax and reflect. Maybe get some reading done while in lines.

Tell me... DO YOU SNACK!?”

I have twatted.

Ronan may be a synthetic human. It’d explain a lot, and that discovery may be even a relief to him.

(But lost.)

Which means the sequel documentaries will be mixed. Space Marines in the next one, which will escalate the spectacle and fun, then too much studio meddling in the following ones. Then muddled prequels arrive and we wonder why we cared so much in the first place except for Michael Fassbender’s arrival in the Farrow

When I meet Nü Steppenwolf I’m rubbing a block of parmesan all over him and catching it on my spaghetti.

Any religious faith focused on anti-promiscuity, anti-gay, and believes in magic books and magic powers will lead to promiscuity and abuse.

My milkshake duke is better than yours.

I haven’t seen an interaction with Republicans where AOC didn’t out-think and run circles around them while remaining genuine. Their vitriol seems infused with confused racist boners.


Batman: “Tell me, so you don’t bleed?”

So THAT’S why your coffee makes me cough every time I come over. Gross!

Yet his most lively film, Dawn of the Dead, is the one where everyone is dead.

“Tell me, Scarecrow. Do you burn?"

He also looks like his chest was scorched by a toilet seat.

Will THIS Superman movie by Snyder actually like Superman?

I like the holiness ranking in concept, it’s a good approach to the show, but it’s not quite clicking into place in these reviews. But I like the observations.

Kong and Godzilla won't wear face coverings?

I cast a protective spell to make you forever immune to canceraids, with the help of my assistant, you guessed it... Frank Stallone.