When it comes to Lego sets, I’d have thought Waapons (Ultima, Ruby, etc.), Escape from Midgar, Midgar itself and the Highwind.
When it comes to Lego sets, I’d have thought Waapons (Ultima, Ruby, etc.), Escape from Midgar, Midgar itself and the Highwind.
In defence of Rhianna, she was having to write the story to the action, not having any input in real plot.
I always thought of Dumbo’s mother as analogous to mothers and women in general being locked up in asylums when they became “problematic”. Her whole arc seems to be having to deal with being dragged away from trying to protect her baby as if she was the one with the problem, then for the film to repeatedly state that…
I’ll remember this when I next enjoy a Marvel film and also remind myself “you’ve already watched Casablanca, Citizen Kane, 2001, Seven Samurai, Night of the Living Dead, The Godfather, Metropolis, the Three Colours trilogy, etc. These films are so much better and there’s simply no reason to watch or enjoy harmless…
I still can’t fathom why Brian randomly turned up at the same place as Ace, given when the Doctor appears, she’s also surprised by him being there and it’s not once explained.
Somitting I found particularly effective was how Percival Pickens was a better version of Randal Flagg than the “official” one in the recent adaptation of The Stand. His evil was all about control and efficiency, rather than debauchery.
I launched this through Gamepass and ended up softlocked almost instantly when I went to the barn, accidentally clipped the shovel and saw it fly off the map.
The amount of money involved is literally making me feel sick.
A lot of people have already mentioned many of the scenes that stuck with me, but I see no one mentioning The Care Bears Movie. The witch and her book creeped me out so much as a child.
For me, the ending simply ruins one of the most satisfying parts of the third game, which was bringing the Geth and Quarian together. It’s really the only story section that is outright screwed over by the ending choices, because it makes one of them undo that, and the others seem even more insane.
The only person I’d be okay with owning this Pinhead NFT image and its rights is Doug Bradley.
Something that randomly occurred to me is does Wyeland-Yutani have no rivals in their various areas of dominance? They seems to be involved in various fields, but given they also create synthetic persons who’ve more than just a workforce (in fact, they seem more valued than the actual humans), I’m curious to see if…
I kinda feel that when GTA VI does get released, that they’ve improved the feel 9f the game. For the most part I was okay with the driving, but always felt, as others here have said, that movement feels heavy. I also think map traversal on foot needs a massive overhaul.
Having looked through a lot of the comments here, I feel people have either not watched any of the films/series, or glossed over some details.
Off the top of my head, the story of Saren leading up to his fateful encounter with Sovereign would make for a good film. The only “drawback” I can think of is “not human”.
I enjoy the game immensely, but fir the life if me can’t work out why they decided upon a game called Wreckfest focusing so much on finishing first in the campaign/single player modes. Way too many races I’ve done have been too clean, tidy and generally uneventful.
I just hope that someone here in the UK starts to show this. But then, I’ve been waiting on the final season of 12 Monkeys so I won’t hold my breath.
As great as Mahershala Ali is, I wonder if his age might indicate this as a continuation of the Wesley Snipes films - ideally omitting the third.
I was going to say the same thing. His delivery seemed to be because he is already having trouble breathing, and you could see a tremor in his right hand. He’s also been in this show eight times before as various characters, so I thought singling out Kenneth Mitchell seemed a bit iffy.
I’m not particularly precious about spoilers, but I will say that in my experience the first watch of a significant moment is very different from subsequent viewings purely because when it’s done well that significance only becomes apparent at that very moment (or just before).