
This all offers us the sweet relief of our validating our suspicions that they’ve been gaslighting away from us, which is nice. But it makes me ill to consider that there may be no justice. I mean the main priority is to get Trump out of power, which has to take precedence over bringing him to justice, but I’m just

Heard this shit this morning. No way to describe it other than “fucking clown shoes.”

in the trade, it’s not called “an amazing coincidence”, it’s called... The Prestige...

Jesus Hoverboarding Christ! Jesus Hoverboarding Christ! Jesus Hoverboarding Christ!

This is an Onion story, not something that happens in real life, Ms. Glover.

Because everyone knows that Planned Parenthood is getting rich selling fetal tissue harvested from filthy harlots whose favourite pastime is getting all the abortions they can? Shut down the research, kill off the fetal-tissue market, nobody gets abortions anymore? It all makes perfect sense? Also, AIDS is totally

Because we are as corrupt as the day is long.

I really feel Trump is trying to bring America back in time to the 1980s, before he became a complete goblin and caricature of himself, and that restarting the AIDS crisis is just part of his master plan.

Right wing people are evil. That is all.

When they stop being awful?

No, its been shouted that they arent actively cruel corporate shills.

One is corrupt, incompetent, and cruel.

The Trump administration has defunded research for an AIDS cure.

Why don’t we have same thing for our elected officials?

Honest question, isn’t it a good thing that the writers are all allowed to have and write different opinions, even when they seemingly contradict each other?

I was out looking after Dad the other day and I was doing some baking. He hobbled into the kitchen, got a spoon, scooped a giant ball of cookie dough out of the bowl, and hobbled away again licking happily. The temptation of raw deliciousness is that strong. Meanwhile, I just stood there like... wtf?

As someone posted the last time an article about raw cookie was written, “if you have a better idea on how to eat my feelings then I am listening.”

Wait- you would ruin a good butter knife to steal a sebring??