Yeah, the only time I see it referenced anymore is with extreme sarcasm.
Yeah, the only time I see it referenced anymore is with extreme sarcasm.
Yeah, I couldn’t believe that interpretation as I was reading it. I went over it twice trying to see if I missed the aside that this is really about misogyny.
I think initially it was used seriously, but then rapidly became a joke. Anyone still taking it seriously hasn’t been paying attention.
They basically threw out any “plausible deniability” - however slim - that they once possessed.
When the rational mind is confronted with the irrational over time the result is often madness.
You said, completely ignoring the point.
Fake news about the lying FBI. Everything is fake. We’re living in Baudrillard’s simulation. Everything is absurd and dumb. I’m gonna try to summon Cthulhu tonight.
If I know the internet, and I think I do, reseach will end up on UrbanDictionary sooner or later.
I meant you posted this as a reply to my comment, which makes it come of as a complete non-sequitur in this context.
Did you mean to post this somewhere else?
That notably leftist and unruly FBI that obeyed his administration’s orders to vastly limit their Kavanaugh inquiry, thereby finding nothing.
[In my mind I was hearing that in Gilbert Gottfied’s voice.]
SEMANTICS! Why do words have to have meanings? What’s that all about?
Why should we take her word for it over all those people in the world who say they haven’t bullied her?
If she’s that bullied, why hasn’t she contacted the FBI? Can she prove she is the most bullied person in the world?
Going by his body-language and facial expression, that is a man with something to hide and is afraid someone will see right through his bullshit and find out.
Yeah, even if there was a 0.001% chance of it being true, he still doesn’t merit the benefit of the doubt.
And yet he’s completely ignored those warnings (partly because of the source, and partly because he knows better than everyone else).
Oh, man, I’m reading what I wrote and only now seeing all the double-entendre. It’s a minefield, and I’m very, very sorry.
This is a really naked attempt at deflection from something. Something’s really bothering him, so it must be big for him to pull a stunt like this.