
This. They’re priming the base for violence, so that they can keep the literal blood off their hands and plausible deniability when their frothing followers start shooting people.

I’m not sure that’s how people are going to read that statistic. More than half the time he votes against the interests of the left, and with a fucking fascist.

Also, every time you move you have to register to vote in your new district/state.

Sounds like an avant-garde rock band.

Could be worse. He could have been wearing a tan suit...

I assume you don’t all find ancient viking swords lying around, either.

I love how Stephens’ writing just drips with condescension (like we’re all too stupid to figure shit out on our own), but he says stuff like this without considering the implications of his phrasing:

Her name is Saga? Holy shit... Ragnarok, here we come.

I think you’re on the right track. Being a single male “on the hunt” is idolized in a patriarchal society, even if fathers/husbands are held on a pedestal for their protector/provider status (which is decidedly less exciting). Infidelity is common because of that dissonance. The bottom line is that most people aren’t

You can say that for any given thing Cruz has been compared to. Pond scum has more redeeming qualities than he does.

They’re still there, but it’s downsizing after downsizing. As a company they’re really a dinosaur where tech is concerned. They only continue to exist by pure momentum and the fact that they service other dinosaurs.

Agreed, but “racist tendencies”? No. It’s much worse than tendencies - he is the white-supremacist president.

And 80s, but yes, they’ve been in decline since then (and are tanking hard recently).

But as per the required republican tactic we have to consider each incident in complete isolation from the rest and ignore the larger overall pattern of behavior.

I’m loving how all these fools think they’re fucking Begbie in Trainspotting.


And yet people were more than happy to vote for Hillary or Trump (or Bernie). Very little fuss was made about their ages.

If you scraped the orange off his face, he’d look like someone in the middle of multiple organ failure.

Thompson was always reliable in his assessment of the character of politicians, even if he used a bit of poetic license to portray it.