
I think I need to quit reading news for a while. It’s not just that it’s all horrifying and depressing - it’s that I feel like I’m killing brain cells whenever I read about something trump said.

They really are. And there’s no trial. You just get stripped of your freedom of self-determination all because they treat you not as a person, but as a fucking checklist.

I’m sorry you had to learn that the hard way, as most of us do. It’s insane how easily you can lose your freedom over something so inconsequential as “Yeah, I mean, I was depressed a while back.” It’s also sad that I no longer trust doctors, psychiatrists, or social workers anymore as a result of my experiences.

But who was phone?

Strawman arguments are always one of the go-to logical fallacies for republicans. Pick any subject, look up a right-wing pundit’s take on it, and look for the mythical democrat or liberal “opinion” that they present and then knock down because it’s so ridiculous.

“Water is really wet.” Goddamn, we live in the dumbest timeline...

Ivanka was named after her mother (“Ivanka” is the diminutive form of “Ivana”), and Don Jr. is named after his father. I don’t know what they were thinking with Eric.

Not to mention that this same guy has zero compunctions about lying - going so far as to commit perjury. But sure, we’re supposed to take his word that it never happened.

See Amber Tamblyn’s open letter to him about the time he tried to pick her up when she was 16.

All these fucking assholes that seem to think tasers are no big deal really need to get tased - on camera - and have their reactions recorded. Once they recover, they need to get tased again, just so they get the point. Tasers are fucking dangerous for anybody, let alone a child.

Hot take? Seems more like a read to me.

I see you got your degree at the Ashley Feinberg School of Trolling. :)

Astrology - when you get into the nuts and bolts of it, at least - is far more complicated than Libertarian “philosophy”.

Hyperbole is dead, and not because it’s overused, but because it’s continually an understatement.

Oh, I think it’s more a case of him overblowing the magnitude of the storm so that the fallout won’t look as bad. “We were totally on top of it. Best response ever to the worst storm in history!”, etc.

It’s not just that they’re repellent, either - they’re so fucking proud of it, and have the nerve to be condescending in everything they say and do.

Delaware would get an honorable mention, but most people forget it’s a state.

*googles* Oh, so that’s what they’re called...

True. I was referring specifically to the 9/11 displays.

There really is no bottom.