
It’s bad enough that we have to deal with these faux-patriotic displays once a year, but seeing it filtered through his incoherent logorrheic discharges is the worst.

Miller is Count Orlok.

He’s both a malignant narcissist and a longtime cocaine/amphetamine abuser. Anecdotally speaking, narcissists seem to loooove that shit, because it amplifies the egocentricity.

That’s rough, but not unexpected. It burns out certain dopamingergic pathways. Alcohol is not a good coping mechanism, either. Short term, it can have a positive effect, but habitually it actually makes depression overall worse.

Does he have trouble with depression, now?

100% that he has brain damage from decades of amphetamine abuse.

“Thinking will get you killed...”

I think we’re all collectively dumber for having watched that.

In most cases of his speech deficits, there’s a combination of factors. One of the neat aspects (or horrifying, depending upon your perspective) of long-term amphetamine abuse is lasting brain damage (lesions in certain dopaminergic pathways). It’s possible there’s comorbidity with dementia, but it’s not necessary to

“Tushie. Tushay. They don’t want me to talk about touching.”

I don’t really understand it, but I get the impression that they think that saying negative things about her (at basically any point before the election) somehow turned the tide against her.

+1 Bork reference

And not just believed it, but spent taxpayer dollars investigating it.

And it’s not like Richard Patrick was cryptic about it. He repeatedly clarified that it was about Budd Dwyer.

They’ll never let it go. If Clinton had beat trump, they might have let it pass. It’s disappointing that they continue to have so much vitriol for someone they otherwise would agree with.

Rob’s standard operating procedure is to attack Bernie and his supporters no matter what the topic is.

It may be that the statute of limitations would prevent prosecution.

I’d go back farther, to their embrace of the Southern Strategy. Not only was it racist as fuck, it was as cynical as can be, and that cynicism has guided them ever since.

Of all the far-right movements and governments in south and central america, Brazil is the one I understand the least.