
Can this movie star Pauly Shore and also the main character is named Pauly Shore?

As a five-year old Rhode Islander at the time, that game is my first memory of watching the Red Sox. My dad kept up me late "to see the Red Sox win the World Series"!

When I was a law student, the scene from that movie that was actually played for us, in my legal ethics class, was when Stewart intimates to this client what he has to say for an insanity defense. Always important to know where the ol' subornation of perjury line is!

Also, I request that internet provide a Tumblr or something that just posts gifs of characters played by George C. Scott realizing stuff. That would be good.

Anatomy of a Murder is best sleazy-Stewart. Man, I love that movie. Also, for all the great, great moments George C. Scott turned in across his career, that one moment in the trial in that movie when he realized he fucked the entire thing up may be the finest.

"resembling a carnival ride operator that Studio 54 threw up on"
That's quality writing. Carry on.

Congratulations on winning Eve!

I play Eve Online, and as you might imagine the cross-over audience with No Man's Sky is probably significant. While I haven't played the game myself, what I'm hearing from Eve-people is that it's pretty, but incredibly thin and it gets old quick.

I used to be with it, but then they changed what *it* was. Now what I'm with isn't *it*, and what's *it* seems weird and scary to me. It'll happen to you…

Hey, any other Mr. Show fans from the 90s shocked at how much they prefer Bob to David nowadays?

I have to check with my sales manager first.
Has conversation with neighbor's golden retriever

I can supply "Drifter" and "Prostitute" for a surprisingly low low price.

That would be an obvious fake; everyone knows crematoriums can't melt Steel beams.

He should totes run for something down in Rhode Island. I'm sure all is forgiven.

Ah, Mancini. The mascot's best friend.

♫Homer the Simp
♫Homer the Simp don't act yooooooou don't know

"You shall not crucify mankind upon a medal of gold!"

I imagine someone was pushing for something along the lines of "Dedicated to the extant people of Afghanistan."