
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away
So will you please say hello
To the folks that I know
Tell them I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That as you saw me go
I was singing

Posting here for posterity.

I assume the lack of an Oxford comma in the final sentence is the secret signal that it was written under duress.

This is why the Oxford comma should be mandatory.

I suppose "sometimes women are trapped in abusive relationships for economic reasons and that's bad" counts as social commentary.

I recall how sad I got when I learned that Jason Junior was later lost at sea, and assume it's because of that book.

I believe Mariah Carey's "Honey" was also involved with CG-Clinton.

I believe around the same period MTV also produced some kind of one-off show including this video intercut with a computer-generated Bill Clinton flashing gang signs. Again, I'm confident I'm not hallucinating.

Also, anybody else remember some throw-away MTV bumper from this time where Donald Trump says "I really like that Wu-Tang video with the bees"? Because I remember it clearly for reasons I can't explain, and I'm quite confident I'm not imagining it.

That first Inspectah Deck verse is still like the best verse ever

No, see, they never actually interact with the subject, who also has never has any idea that they were the subject. The filmography endnote describes it as "conceptually unfilmable"

I was thinking of the one where they pick a random person to follow and film, but don't actually film him because that would affect his actions, so they just sit around drinking for a few hours before declaring the film complete

I recall that was actually a thing in Infinite Jest

I'm confident science doesn't demand throwing your wife into a bonfire to check, but to be sure maybe flick some lit matches at her.

And that's also a thing they reference in GoT itself, with Littlefinger explaining to Sansa the defensive advantage of the narrow entrance to the Vale.

And in her very first scene in the series she unflinchingly steps into an extremely hot bath.

Now I'm wondering if that oath still sticks if the wall were to be destroyed.

Ice ice cold, baby.

He may have committed some light death threats.