You can get fare estimates on Uber, but it’s a little inconvenient to check estimates for each type of service. Uber…
You can get fare estimates on Uber, but it’s a little inconvenient to check estimates for each type of service. Uber…
Totally depends on the city/Uber market. But I’d agree that new drivers in general tend to be ‘fare-happy’. I didn’t know my rating until a driver recently said how he saw I was rated 5 stars! I don’t take tooooo many rides, and I consider myself a pretty courteous/fair person, But I was still happy to hear that. Now…
Travel can be expensive, and thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do it on a budget. But as someone who loves…
Uber ASSIST has actually been around for a bit, I’m assuming perhaps they’ve been testing it in just a small handful of cities. I think it’s awesome what they’re doing; Helping the elderly/disabled get around easier.
If you’ve ever used Uber, you know how convenient it is. Their newly released uberASSIST function aims to ensure…
I’m probably one of the last people you should take work productivity advice from... But for me - I know that I just have to convince myself to *start*. Just start. Start whatever it is I need to be doing. I have noticed time and time again, That once you force yourself just to begin the tedious task... Suddenly it’s…
Today I’d like to share some of what I’ve been learning about working on the road, which can be tough. I’ve been…