Dear Friend,
As a ROF (Retired Old Fart), I find that I wish that I had accumulated fewer things, so I did not have to spend as much time and effort getting rid of things in my old age. It would have been better if my family had made donations instead of giving me lovely items that seldom get used.
Cayce Pollard approves.
Here we have another truck person and he’s not happy.
Where I went to college there was a cluster of business’ that always amused me. There was a porn shop next to a bar called the Town Pump on one side and a Jiffy Lube on the other.
Followed your link and a Gaviscon ad popped up.
Could be worse, you could have had temporary dyslexia and searched “Fletch”, giving Chevy Chase’s ego an unnecessary boost.
Do they offer a feltcher’s special?
I suppose that depends on personal preference, and whether one is the muncher or munchee 😉
I feel like Munch-n-Pump is preferable, at least in order of operations.
To be fair, there’s only been 2 presidents since the year 2000, the first one was a recovering alcoholic and the second was Obama.
idk if I was in such a high stress job as being the president, I can see any casual drinking turning into a real problem real fast lol.
The technicals of the fermentation process it isn’t more complicated than most lacto-fermentation things. The wonderful thing about kimchi compared to kraut or lacto pickles is the variety and customizing it to your personal liking. Getting the salt level, first stage fermentation time to set the sour level, heat…
I’ve been eating homemade zucchini kimchi daily for breakfast for the last 5+ months. I’m heartbroken I just finished my last 1/2 gallon jar of it. Time to get a shitload of napa cabbage and move on to winter kimchi.
As a stress eater, it always confuses me to hear about the opposite end of the eating spectrum.
A wonderful episode in every way, but especially for Kelsey Grammer’s sublime line readings of “She says she learned German from a family she worked for in Argentina...after the war” and of course “He says he did not steal...your shoes!”
Her paneer with fresh spinach is a STAPLE in our house. Man, it’s delicious. Love basically every recipe of hers that we have tried.
White Claw is perfect for anytime you wish to avoid flavor.
Excellent use of Tall Skinny Papa as a character-building shorthand for Ruby, who (judging from the song choice) seems to be modeled after Rosetta Tharpe. Sister Rosetta started off as a child prodigy, playing guitar and singing religious songs before making a fairly brief attempt at more secular work driven by the…