The first time I read this story, I had thought the clerk had made the comment. So, I couldn’t wrap my head around why she bought all the cupcakes. But now I saw that it was a person behind her in line, and yes, she is a hero.
The first time I read this story, I had thought the clerk had made the comment. So, I couldn’t wrap my head around why she bought all the cupcakes. But now I saw that it was a person behind her in line, and yes, she is a hero.
and even if they are, they’re steak fries and steak fries suck.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen my sister order something without having to make twenty stipulations at the end... it drives me crazy, though I try not to make a big deal out of it because the more attention/reaction any behavior gets, the more extreme she becomes in that behavior.
Ok, yeah, so, if the hope is that Jennifer Connally and that shirt show up is part of why the kids are doing this, then ok.
One Night at Chucky’s.
Furthermore, “Don’t take more than five bites to finish a hot dog. For foot-long wiener, seven bites are acceptable.”
Heroes still walk among us.
She should’ve maintained eye contact while walking to the nearest garbage can and tossing all the “extra” cupcakes in.
I’m generally not a well done person, unless it’s a burger in a place that looks a little sketchy. When I do order a burger well, it normally comes out medium well anyway so it’s a win.
It was more about not having the Anthony Bourdain of Indianapolis serve me a hockey puck because I dared to want something he ‘doesn’t care to serve’.
This young lady is my spirit......young lady.
Bless you, sir.
BTW picky eaters are an embarrassment to the table.
If I wasn’t married, I’d be tracking this young woman down. Because she is my soul mate.
the worst that can happen is the kitchen says they can’t do it, and the customer picks another dish
Asking for something to be left out is no problem for anything that isn’t premade. Asking for something to be added in can be tricky insofar as pricing.
As long as his ex Claudine Longet was not near the slopes.
Short Rhonda.
Preferably while “Damn it feels good to be a gansta” plays in the background. Also, people need to stop ruining my awesome revenge stories with concern trolling — she’s an adult.