Same here. Around here all the smalltimer breweries just make a crap beer, add tons of hops to cover up the bad beer, and sell it for inflated prices.
ok well at least we can agree that weekly washing is good :)
we used the flat sheets in the summer with a summer comforter.
We had jojos down in Arkansas in the ‘80s.
tbf, that sounds sarcastic af in England too.
I’m down for that assuming we apply the same FDA standards to it. It’ll never happen mind you until (or if) we’re capable of cloning humans that are categorically incapable of higher brainfuctions and a couple of court cases.
Just stopped by to Ketchup on all the latest Tomato gossip!
The trick to putting a duvet covet on a duvet is to put the cover inside out over your arms and grab the opposite bottom corners and then with those pinched corners find and pinch the top corners of the duvet and shake it down. Once down sufficiently, grab the bottom corners of the duvet and then find the bottom…
You do you.
Just do it way the hell over there.
People who don’t use the top sheet are smelly and diseased.
You have to at least watch season 4 so you can see ‘The Dinner Party’. It’s one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
What do you expect from the kind of establishment frequented by pitaphiles?
Only on special occasions.
I’m gonna echo everybody else below. Jim and Pam were at their most likeable up until that big event in S6, and arguably at peak likeability slightly before the point you are at now, so yeah—-if you dont care about them now, you’ll find them intolerably insufferable (especially Jim) later on.
Using organ meat is an offal idea.
Yeah if you’re at Season 3 and don’t like anyone (especially Jim and Pam), you might as well stop watching since there’s not much for ya.
If you get through Season 3 and still are not enjoying it, I’d recommend pulling the plug. I loved the show and think it was great up through Season 6, but it’s not really going to change much after 3 in a way that would change how you feel about the characters or series.
While I don’t hate NEIPAs themselves (I do love them), I hate how that seems to be the massive trend everywhere, like you said. I feel like it’s all just beer bros talking about it can only be citra hops and things have to be dank. I never want to hear the word “crushable” again.