I used to be the same way but recently i find myself craving buffalo wings or a nice fried chicken sandwhich. I used to avoid fried chicken because its not healthy, i think my body is playing catch up for all those years i went without.
I used to be the same way but recently i find myself craving buffalo wings or a nice fried chicken sandwhich. I used to avoid fried chicken because its not healthy, i think my body is playing catch up for all those years i went without.
Take something you love a lot. A passion. Something you enjoy doing.
I’m in the same boat, have had friends really like my homebrews and offers to invest in a brewery but would have to be the right situation w/out risking my own financial security. I’m thinking when my wife retires, I may have to open one just to have a place to hide from the “honey do” list!
Its all personal preference. Ill drink all your Dreamyard no problem.
I’m really a fan of the “every town with a brewery” trend that’s happening. Here in Minnesota, I’ve seen many breweries in small towns become more than a maker of beer. They become a gathering place, an event space, and solid cornerstone in the community, all while celebrating the place they call home.
Just echoing your love for that Keller Pils.
I seriously LOVE this monthly segment.
Have one on me, Beer and Mayo, on the same truck too:
i am not a fan of roast chicken either. *makes gagging face*
Just a note, part of the Appalachian/Blue Ridge range is colloquially referred to as the Smoky Mountains or Great Smoky Mountains (name of a national park), especially along the North Carolina/Tennessee border, so that could be what the name is harkening at. Also, I agree with you that the Georgia Gold is much better.
At least you could tell him to enjoy Jeopardy!, since that is Trebek’s go-to reply to the contestant chat segment.
You can’t expect to wield delicious frozen treats just ‘cuz some watery tart threw a Blizzard at you!
As long as we’re all in the business of pinning down what Jesus would be maddest about, I think the Mall of America would be far more upsetting to that Socialist radical than the ice cream shop bearing his name.
I’m often criticized for an aggressive or too-direct tone. I suppose it’s my problem since I am part of the workplace, but I can’t help but notice the more confident or senior somebody is, the more he or she appreciates my style. The inverse also holds true.
Yeah, but my friend’s cousin’s next-door neighbor’s co-worker’s daughter did this and it SAVED HER LIFE.
“Direct and expressive”
The insistence of the Instant Pot Community (which is most definitely A Thing) on making anything and everything in the pressure cooker annoys me to the point of near-rage.
As a staunch classical Republican, this is how I’ve felt about Dairy Queen for ages. Our ice cream hegemons should be chosen by the will of the people, and not by a supposedly divine being, nor via hereditary rite.
“don’t particularly care for ice cream”