Do you have to spit into a water bottle, or ...?
Do you have to spit into a water bottle, or ...?
Just realized I can more or less trace my personal history by what I eat for hangovers. University: raw egg, then three mile run. (If the egg stays down, you’ll be fine.) First job: five McD’s hash browns, five diet cokes. First good job: shakshuka, focaccia, ristretto. Current job: white rice with raw egg and soy, 1L…
Right? I’m in my 30s and feel like I’m on my phone too much. My mom is in her 65s and is literally glued to her phone though. So yea, its not a generational thing, its an “everybody” thing...
My planned method of reaction to all baby photos from now on will be to perform a ‘girl-about-to-die-in-a-horror-movie-level’ scream that perforates ear-drums, curl into a ball on the floor and start rocking back and forth whilst verbally iterating “why would you show me such a monstrosity?” This will be my way of…
“... But it will probably assume that it was a sword”
Save your money so you can get a proper saber for opening. That way you can feel fancy as shit while drinking Mums
We took our 3 month old to the pub last week. We asked the waitress if it was ok and sat at a table. Pubs seem ideal because they are a bit louder so if she makes a peep, it’s not so disruptive. Luckily for us, the drone of a pub seems to soothe her and keep her asleep. The table next to us offered to curb their…
All the co-ed beer groups I’m in are SO DRAMATIC (about this and literally every other issue) but the lady-only ones are chill. Funny, that.
Your sarcasm was so abundantly obvious that when you pointed out your employment of sarcasm you became guilty of double sarcasm, which means you’re not being sarcastic, you right-leaning donkey butt.
When I was last in London, I was chatting up the host of the B&B. He told me about his upcoming plans to bring his fam to the states. But he complained: “I don’t think America is very child-friendly!” I demurred, saying that rugrats seem (to me) to be everywhere you go. “No! NO! Yeh cahn’t bring yer kids inna the pub…
I assume that should have read “20-30 seconds.”
OH GAWD I had a thing happen recently that burns my biscuits about the topic of kids in restaurants.
Definitely not just the beer group you’re in with. The local one here too has its share of drama, but nothing brings out the white hot rage quite like someone bringing up the topic of children and tap rooms.
I firmly in the ‘it depends on all the different variables’ camp as many posters have already covered.
Soft yolks were part of it. Of course I can’t find the article now.
I once had a woman loudly request a new table because our party had my son in it, who was five at the time (and hadn’t made a peep yet). “I would prefer to be seated in a section with NO CHILDREN since SOME PEOPLE have no idea where CHILDREN are appropriate.”
I’m in my 40s, and I just disconnected my phone entirely and just use my laptop for everything. It’s like having a landline again, and I’m loving it. I probably wouldn’t if I didn’t work from home, and I’m sure I’ll get a phone again eventually, but that did cut down on the obsessive news-reading, which cut down on…
Chickens are foul.
On the whole screen time thing, the horse has long left the barn. When half the 20-somethings there are checking their phones every 20-30 minutes, how are you gonna tell junior he/she’s not to be on his iPad? I say if they’re occupied, not being a disturbance, eating their food and enjoying themselves, well I think…