
That was his number 2 choice anyway.

also this post is a great question for the salty waitress? “how long do i have until i piss you off and you want your next table?”

what do u have against chili’s

This begs the question...

But be very wary of typos with that name.

The only thing that sign is missing is a smirking Minion and a header indicating it was re-posted on facebook by my elderly aunt.

Expensive bombers are bad. The longer you wait to open them, the more special the occasion must be, eventually you reach a point where nothing will ever feel special enough. Its rough.

This is why I buy unroasted coffee beans, and just roast them before each cup with a Zippo lighter and a pair of tweezers.

Yes. And this is the least of my problems when it comes to social anxiety. Haircuts are among the worst. What do you talk about in that chair? Where do you LOOK? What expression should you have on your face? Should you continually compliment the hairdresser on their work? Can they just slit my throat instead?

I about died when Scully compared the flavor of the lemon-lime Jell-O to “Leprechaun Taint”.

Did anyone pick up when they were in the parking garage, Reggie was explaining to Mulder and Scully about how it’s monetized and corporations pay a lot for Dr. They’s technology/technique, he is about to drop a name. It sounds/seems like G.E. or similar, the video actually jumps/chops or something to give the

i’m with you. but I can deal with an unruly thong. that’s hot!

The line about Dr. They being among the “hundreds of millions” at the last inauguration was pretty great, and the part with Ronnie waterboarding a guy and blowing away a wedding party with a drone was a nice little bit of black humor.

I might have said something similar when a bunch of people lined up to get a little pieced of buttered toast from the sample lady and completely blocked 2 aisles.

Lol right? This person came in here with all the feels about Costco.

Costco free sample stations are generally so mobbed by seagull-people that the people manning them have no opportunity to hassle uninterested passersby.

Nobody cares how they taste. We care that you and 20 other people can’t position yourselves in an orderly manner that doesn’t block access to an aisle I need to go down.

I didn’t get the impression that uberculture says that to the employees, but rather to the hordes of people who clog the aisles waiting for a sample.

Canadian here, Costcos up here still have the option of a Polish. Unfortunately, we are also stuck with Pepsi.

If this is directed to the other customers to block aisles with carts,etc I agree with you.