
That’d be a cheesy plot twist. You knead to do better than that if you’re going to toss out wild accusations.

One might say they were caught red handed.

Probably only got caught because another precinct wanted a pizza the action...

If only they had just not parked in a No Parking (cal)Zone, none of this would have happened.

“I decided to add a bit of crunch with some baked chickpeas...”

I still like IPAs, I just don’t seek them out as much as I used to. I definitely now lean toward maltier beers; stouts, brown ales, etc have been my go to in the fall and winter. Speaking of fall, my favorite style is problem Oktoberfest. I buy ridiculous amounts of it in the fall. I tend to save my IPAs and the like

Just don’t do what a customer of mine did once when we took him and others out into a traditional Düsseldorf brewpub: Don’t ask for a Kölsch in Düsseldorf. They’ll have you hung, drawn and quartered and the pieces dumped in the Rhine ;) Well, not quite, but the rivalry is big, and in Düsseldorf, you drink Altbier ;)

I refuse to buy 4-packs on principle. Dogfish was the first one to make 4-packs the norm, and they’re definitely trading on name instead of quality at this point.

+1 Came here just to pimp All Day IPA.

Oh man, I love Caribou. There was one in the student union building on my college campus, and I went there all the time. They melt real chocolate into their mochas and cocoas instead of using syrup, they have an amazing hot cider drink, and their coffee isn’t burnt and bitter. We have a Starbucks in my work building,

Caribou FTW!!!

The big reveal when Sam finally realizes it’s Al’s wife is just heartbreaking. She was really well-performed, too.

It started as a Xmas card exchange from message board ive been active on for years. My daughter added a special picture to this little girl and now she’s sent one back.

Haha. Yeah I’ve been here awhile so I know kinja pretty well, more or less. The one thing that clicking on a username that can be helpful for is to see their comments history if you look under discussions, usually a good way to see if they’re a troll or not.

I introduced my room mate to this show and she was suitably impressed with the plot. Although, is it just me or did the show forget he had a wife in the later seasons?

You can follow people if you want to see their specific comments on whatever post it may be on. So if someone starts to follow you that means they like your comments.

My husband loathes Starbucks, but very much enjoys The ‘Bou. Anyone who visits here who he steers that way also enjoys it.

You, me and half the country. There’s a reason that show runs essentially on a loop.

It totally still holds up. It is so unabashedly, sincerely sentimental that it works. Also, Bakula and Stockwell have great chemistry. I was pissed that the Star Trek producers buried Bakula’s light under a bushel of bad writing on Enterprise.

The El Rey recently picked it up. They did a marathon on New Year’s Day and they show it every morning from 10-Noon.