Cheese that is not American, good potatoes - too bad I'm never near a Wendy's. This looks promising.
Cheese that is not American, good potatoes - too bad I'm never near a Wendy's. This looks promising.
If it were Naturdays, that church would soon be overrun by the followers of the Naturdays saints.
We did this at my office recently. My personal favorite was Frontera, but everyone liked one particular Pico that I freaking hated. It tasted like bad artificial sweetener to me. I have my local favorites, but I'll say Frontera for my bigger distribution choice. It might not adhere to your price stipulation, though.
Funny, I just saw a headline that too much sleep is linked to dementia. Can’t win for losing, these days...
I use a sealant (Klasse- because I’m classy like that), but still like to top off with a coat of carnauba. Who would have guessed I’d turn into a weekend detailing guy.
Sorry, if you can’t melt cheddar, what are you even doing? That sour American stuff is just so sad...
Allison... you said American and I wanted to break things, but then you pull out Gjetost. I don’t know what to do with myself now. Like you literally ruined an almost perfect draft with American cheese.
I only really eat dinner on special occasions, so _shrug_. I'm a lunch and snack only guy.
Weird... I work in a field where I have to care about website accessibility, and it seems odd to me that large companies wouldn’t be up to accessibility standards.
You’ve replied to the wrong comment, but I concur with your sentiment.
I was thinking Cinnabon cinnamon roll. Big cinnamon in the cookie, and the filling tastes like cream cheese frosting.
I see the White Claw in your picture... isn’t October the official end of Claw season?
I’m maybe way too forgiving of restaurant problems. My wife is so much quicker at writing a place off after one bad visit. Either way, I’d say a month is fair game- I’ll go within the first month, but not hold anything against them.
Oh goddamn it... it is.
My wife actually broke down and bought a European butter dish, just because we’ve gone Kerrygold exclusive in our household. Stepping aside for other projects.
I, for one, welcome our candy coated overlord.
For a second, I thought this was a way to get around the 25% tariff being imposed on Scotch.
Hop trends are so fickle... I bet the hop growers are practically giving away CTZ and Centennial these days.
I still love IPAs, but could live with 10% of the stuff here (also in MN). Oh, this week’s gotta have it is Citra and Mosaic with lactose? Good thing, I’m sick of the Mosaic and Citra with Lactose special release you just put out two weeks ago!