
> Digital colonialism

I have an uncle who couldn’t play FPS games because it would give him motion sickness (or something along those lines). If he was still into gaming, this (as a normal in-game setting) would probably get him to give it a try.

Going off the headline I thought you meant this one:

Oh, no, no, you’re a smart guy. You’ve clearly picked up some flashy tricks. But you made one crucial mistake. You forgot about the essence of the game... it’s about the Cones.

My genuine reaction to the headline was “because Pokemon fans seem to love getting angry about the series”.......................

From the end of Halo 4.

You want some dumb quotes/lies?

There seems to be a small error in this post; I believe you meant to write it about Bassus, but it’s understandable why it may have slipped your mind.

I think you mean best boss fight. Deliberately hokey character in dumb mecha gear while The Weapon has a go at you about how even they have more friends than Chief.

So its, “So long, Gary Bowser?”

(the game has leaked ahead of release)“

Good for you, man.

Looking forward to reading more needlessly padded summaries of mundane events from you.

Seriously, I know this is an opinion, but how is Kotaku ever supposed to be taken seriously with the rash of terrible viewpoints and articles you all have published recently? This is just an article saying “she’d be a better woman if she smiled more”. This combined with the site’s article promoting piracy of this very

You’re a better writer than this. 

what is it about the cute animal game made for babies that triggers such anger among adult nerds

You might not like it but this is what peak patriotism looks like.

Hey, Kotaku. I’ve been in the video game industry for 12 years and have been following your blog as my favorite video game news source since, I believe, before that. I love what you do and think your voice is very important. You advocate for progressive ideals, call out things that others won’t, and generally say what

Me, a Geno stan: