I just want to say that I fucking LOVE the Kotaku community. As a brown-skinned, LGBTQ+, son-of-immigrants American, I feel more safe and welcome here than at any other gaming site, and the comments here remind me why. ❤️ yall
I just want to say that I fucking LOVE the Kotaku community. As a brown-skinned, LGBTQ+, son-of-immigrants American, I feel more safe and welcome here than at any other gaming site, and the comments here remind me why. ❤️ yall
It never gets old listening to James Chen. He should be in the FGC Hall of Fame if there is such a thing.
Surprising: Bevins seems to have been unseated in KY.
Louis CK’s South American tour is not off to a promising start.
It’s fine I guess, if you ignore that it strips out the only things I really like about Final Fantasy X and replaces them with systems I had already grown to dislike.
So Netflix should slow everything down and dole out shows 1 episode at a time to make your job easier? Ok Grandpa, sure thing. And we’ll make sure these newfangled horseless carriages never go faster than walking speed so your job shoveling horseshit is protected forever!
In all honestly, I bet people wouldn’t be making such a huge deal out of the 400 carry if inventory management in F76 wasn’t an endless nightmare of pointless scrolling and tabbing.
I guess we can’t have two Odysseys on the Switch...
Pfft. I teach in jeans and a hoodie half the time (thus the perks of higher education; and I have the excuse of saying I’m providing a lesson on semiotics at the same time), and I’d have zero interest in trading in my standard attire for an IOTV.
I had to wear one of those. The plates make you feel pretty damned…
So an actual witch hunt, just like Trump is always screaming about.
It’s important to mention the only player returning from the Smash 4 invitational is the winner Zero so if that was their intention it makes perfect sense.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Mockin’ white supremacy, takin’ my time
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you rip the sign?
I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???
The dumb shit we complain about nowadays.
Or the people involved with the anime know fuck all about the games.
“Dear Dr. Nerdlove ... I’m thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s distant and seems uninterested in me. The way I see it, I’ve got two options: 1. sit down with him and have an open, face-to-face conversation. 2. Write him a note, use google to translate it to Filipino, and then hand-convert that to…