It really isn’t. Millions of people are enjoying this game. The most elaborate thing I’ve built was just a car and I loved it.
It really isn’t. Millions of people are enjoying this game. The most elaborate thing I’ve built was just a car and I loved it.
Carbon offsets are mostly garbage. If the lumber mill isn’t cutting down certain trees, they’re just going to cut down other ones. No actual reduction in harm is happening.
Big budget RPG is important because Square Eenix is no longer making them.
You guys suck at this. If you stick a shooting star on a staff, it becomes a light shooting wand. Which could be useful underground if you don’t have 300-700 brightbloom seeds.
This is a good ass article. Really great read.
Chickens have to be inseminated to lay eggs that will hatch.... you know that right?
Really? You’re upset about moveset updates? People will find anything to complain about.
It is sick-oh, where did you hear it was pronounced psycho?
Is it the eyes that are as large as a baby? Is it the natural pink hair? Is it the non-existent nose? The size warping mouths? Anime characters don’t look like anyone.
What are you talking about? Anime women aren’t real Asian women. This has nothing to do with Asian women, they want anime women.
I’m so tired of this. It was a game that ONLY had battle animations (yes pokemon has had other animations to be concerned about) there were significantly less pokemon then than there are now and WAAAAY less moves to be concerned with. Also, animations in that game take FOR FUCKING EVER. Compare the speed of the two…
I looked into it. Domestic abuse mostly. To his credit, he doesn’t seem to be denying it and is deeply apologetic claiming he is hoping to mature past who he was. If you don’t want to support someone like that, that is up to you but he isn’t the only developer on the game.
To be clear, JK is definitely worse since she…
This doesn’t look like the tower of Latria...
?? What he do? I don’t watch his stuff.
I don’t think him not dressing up is an issue but a Red DK tie would be perfect.
No one else is bothering to talk about this game so I will. Shadow the Hedgehog is a bad game. Ignoring the wild and whiplash story and clashing character traits, the game is just bad. Sonic levels are meant to be played as a start to finish fare but Shadow demands that you play the same levels over and over again and…
It was implied that he understood Spanish but still responded in English for some fucking reason. He responds to the first guy who essentially says (without subtitles) “who the fuck are you, get out of my house” by saying “all right! I’ll get out of your hair.” Don’t remember the exact lines so give me a break.
It isn’t too far off the mark with how people marketed games at that time. Everyone wanted to be South Park and minorities were easy targets.
Not to defend the Horizon games but don’t use Kotaku comments as any sort of an indicator of popularity. It only has a sample size of people who want to make accounts to comment on Kotaku.
I mean, he is. I don’t understand how that makes them wrong. When someone makes a subpar product, you don’t get cart blanche to steal it just because you still really want it.