
Can confirm have seen it everywhere.  I am over 30, you all have no excuses.

Chat GPT is an awful search tool.  If you ask it to explain how to do something impossible it will make something up.  BEING WRONG IS WORSE THAN BEING IRRELEVANT.  It also has as much of a chance picking up paid ad info by accident since it doesn’t know the difference either.

Isn’t ALL romantic stories somewhat fetishistic by nature?  Is that even a problem?

Because he’s voicing a giant ape who has a pre-established voice?  Also, you just described why actual voice actors are talented so congrats.

It is supposed to have war room and all of the previous features.

Maybe those programmers can make their own art for it instead of stealing original works without asking for permission.

Aiming works fine. They are toggling things like auto aim for controller vs mouse and keyboard.

The story barely exists so that really isn’t an issue.  I think the characters get one CG for recruiting them and one for beating the game.  Hell, knuckles plot is to get tricked again by Eggman to fight Sonic again.  I’d say Shakesphere these are not but even that’s overselling it.

It’s a pretty easy guess that less artists will be hired...  That’s a bad thing.

Wow what a shitty take. You would rather an AI steal art for free from you than try to deal with the issue because “crime still happened before.”

6 expanded on it with learning spells from equipped espers so remove that one too.


Kotaku gets weirdly vengeful towards certain games.  When they described the combat it sounded miserable but apparently they still liked it?

Right? The tone is so aggressive in this article. It might have well have started
“Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (a game that everyone should hate *link to an article telling people to pirate the game*) got a pathetic update that we will find literally everything wrong with.

Wow, what an original take down of the pokemon franchise. What’s next “why are they sending 10 year olds out into the wilderness by themselves?” or “how can you catch God?” Or my favorite, “DO THEY EAT THE POKEMON!?”

Never going to be released, that’s what that game was.

It’s because the article (both in title and in content) implies that it is banned from competitive when that is not the case.  It is banned from a fan website.

Cool, you asked why they are writing articles about it and I answered.

I don’t understand something and I’d rather rant like an old man than look it up.

It’s almost like that was over 25 years ago and the games have moved on since then.  Also, linking with your friend, you can play however you want obviously.

Gamefreak, not Nintendo.  Nintendo games are pretty quality actually.