Come on, Deltarune Ch2 just made this a surprisingly busy category. My vote is with the Queen from Deltarune. She just wants to make sure you have potassium.
If there is a repair system, people will complain about having to repair weapons all the time. They’ll feel like the game is encouraging them to regularly repair weapons when that is the OPPOSITE of how they want you to treat the game. Think of the weapons as specialized ammo for three different guns and you’ll…
I feel like even when the heat death of the universe comes out, there will be articles about putting Waluigi in smash. My only question is: WHYYY? He’s never been in any Nintendo platformer. He REALLY deserves the assist trophy status since that is really all he is: an assist to Wario who DOESN’T APPEAR IN ANY WARIO…
He does full voice acting in the most recent Wario Ware as Wario
Nice to know that both you and white supremacists share a target, eh? She gave her reasons for not apologizing but I doubt you care. Also, he literally did a voice over once. She doesn’t CONTINUE to give him a platform.
I regret that I only have but one star to give for this comment.
THANK YOU! I swear, I thought I was going crazy! Right to life used to be three things:
anti-capital punishment
What happened to the other two? They were less popular since one meant you had to care about criminals (what if we saw them as human?) and the other meant you had to look at old…
They’ve literally removed references to him from the game.
*Not tackling bosses head on
* learning to parry
Aren’t these kinda opposite? You need to be in the bosses face and let him swing at you to parry.
I don’t know if you want to revisit. Just spam L1. It works MOST of the time. I feel like people are afraid to tell people that.
Why does no one ever make the argument about why Dark Souls is known for this. A sense of shared struggle fosters a strong sense of online community. That’s why I’ve enjoyed the Binding of Isaac reddit and Dark Souls community (it’s better from the inside I swear. You actually get less git gudders who feel like…
How does it feel to know that both you and neo-nazis have the same goal of cancelling a trans woman who makes anti-nazi explanation videos. Man, I can’t imagine what that’s like.
It only works if you stun someone in the corner. I think its fine
Those examples are people who are dead and no longer profiting and/or moving an active campaign against trans people.
Last eight years if you count other democrats
Ultradavid can beat you at Street Fighter II
I remember the music being awful. I remember hating the battle theme and the new las angeles (or whatever it was called)
Technically still shovel knight is the first... Just sayin
Liberal Kentuckian here. Beshear only lost because no one showed up to vote. After Bevin royally fucked everything he touched (like everyone predicted he would) Beshear got his spot back at the next available opportunity. Bevin was on life support from the beginning.