
See the funny thing about this is he was imitating you.  So by telling him to act like an adult, you’re kinda self burning here.

Ignoring the garbage person’s opinions on being a homosexual is political in mere existence, attract would go from a garbage move, to the best move of all time. I wonder if they had it work on legendaries?

That white supremacists frequently use the ok sign as a dogwhistle meme.  There are other pictures but I really don’t want to keep searching for pictures of white supremacists.  They’re awful people.

So I provide photographic evidence and you say that they’re just trolls?  This is a group that beat a protester.  They aren’t just trolls and even if they were, ALL white supremacists are trolls.

Here’s the proud boys all doing it... If it wasn’t a thing at one point, it is now.

He’s allowed to mock them for something VERY deserving of mocking.  They should just release the game again and only remove the kissing scene.

Boy, these comments... Didn’t realize competitive smash literally stole all of your muffins.  It just feels like bad faith argument after bad faith argument.

Whaaa?  It really sounds like you never played it.  You should see some advanced combos.  Maybe you’re thinking of dragon ball fighterz.  (TVC didn’t have an autocombo system)

You picked examples of great open world games. No More Heroes for Wii had an open world and it really didn’t add much and distracted from the part of the game that was good. (The story and the combat). One could argue that if the open world was fully fleshed out that it could have been a better part of the experience

I would argue that the dynamic panels and better drawn and more diverse art used in the panels made the other one a more memorable experience.  (And it’s not like Penny Arcade invented that joke)

Really, you too. I don’t know why anyone thinks this looks like a mobile game when you have animations as good as what Venom has. The game has problems but I didn’t think you’d make an entire entry about a temporary unlevel character select screen.

My bad, when I think BOTW, I think of their revolutionary open world style but you meant a more graphical overhaul. I mean, I don’t have a problem with it but I can understand why pokemon wouldn’t want to create 3-D models of pokemon in a high def art style that interacts with the world dynamically for over 700

It would nearly ONLY be random encounters in that style of game. Pokemon does well within borders. The game’s combat has ALWAYS been easy and simple. Imagine mount moon being a massive area. Instead of being able to explore, you would constantly be interrupted to a forced battle.

It wouldn’t work without a major reworking of how combat works in pokemon. But then you’re appeasing the casual fanbase but isolating the hardcore audience. The narrative has always been integral to pokemon and getting rid of the narrative would leave precious little.
In BotW the fun is in the exploration and

This man is the best human being among us.

That was quality humor right there.... BILBY!

Everyone reading this. PLAY THIS GAME. Monika is best waifu.

I played through this game and I am now NOT ok...

Did you not see the weird dragging ground move dormamu has that he didn’t have in the other game? It’s gone from a 3 button to 4 button fighter so everyone is different by default.

Yes Dante has new moves as well and controls differently.

Giant shoulders are only useful in WOW. MMZ Zero is far superior.