
Thank you soooo much Kotaku. Notifying me of this has literally been the best thing you’ve ever done for me.

Not everyone could get a nice fight stick for Street Fighter but they are still allowed. Just because you can’t afford an advantage doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be allowed. Most fighting games allow custom controllers as long as it isn’t a form of macro.

His point is it was none of this was intended. So how can you start saying that this is easier than intended. Other fighting games have versions of this controller and they’ve allowed it.

Any controller is better than claw fisting lol. The hitbox has been a thing at other fighting games. This controller is based on it.

Especially the Melee competitive scene.

People defend it because the people who play melee want to only play melee generally. Anything that is standard for other communities is null and void to them.

One potential argument against the more custom controllers is macros. You could argue that having the buttons to perform a complex maneuver in a layout that

That’s because to do the weird inputs, they are jamming it at odd angles and often claw handing the controller. The issue is more the inputs required to play the game at a high level and less the ergonomic issues of the controller.

Man I wish I could not be sexist by saying I’m not sexist before every sexist rant.

Teach me

I reread the article. She never shames anyone for not speaking up. She’s saying if you want to help, speak up. Those are two very different things. So you’re telling me ads for charities are a form of bullying?

Controls as an acquired taste? Mario 64 has controls as an acquired taste, Super Meat Boy doesn’t. Look up any review for this and they will compliment the tight exact controls as one of its main features. You are the first person I’ve ever heard say it controls bad. If you are physically hurting yourself on the

Both of those characters develop as the plot moves on. Although I can understand getting tired of them before that happens. The Zack reveal on its own was a character development. You can’t say that in hindsight he wasn’t having character development before that was revealed.

Tidus has growth and relevance to the story. That’s two things Vaan doesn’t have that are kind of required.

Really? They put him in? What does he do, stand in the background quietly while other random fighters participate in the story?

No, Tidus was winy, annoying, and immature. But EVERYONE remembers him. Do you see Vaan showing up in Dissidia anytime soon? They’d probably put in Fran first.

I can’t believe that Ubisoft caved to these liberal cucks and censored the fireworks.

Oh wait, no boobs were involved?

That character has such an inattention to detail in the story. She breathes heavy when she’s tired in story mode. WTF? If you’re going to make a robot but human character, freaking own it like Persona 3's Aigis. She just feels like wasted potential.

Actually, judging most genwunners by stereotype. They think Charizard is the best dragon.

Yeah, it would be a shame for a free website you visit got some money from your inconvenience...

I saw all this in Orlando and it was so hype. We were all chanting his name.

Yeah, we were counting out loud as he threw them. White Boi has the patience of a god to get through that shit