Alright seriously though, no one is talking about Kubo and the Two Strings and that is a mistake. Incredible movie. Deserves the Oscar.
Alright seriously though, no one is talking about Kubo and the Two Strings and that is a mistake. Incredible movie. Deserves the Oscar.
Windjammers, Skullgirls, and Nidhogg being up there is really cool. However, it is probably going to be MK or UMVC3. I would say that it is probably going to be MVC3 but the MK fans sometimes surprise me with their numbers. I’m totally voting Skullgirls when I get the chance. Also, WHERE’S DIVE KICK LOL.
They want to commit to new games early so people can have time to prepare. Even if the game sucks, it would be bad form to remove it. That would be a big middle finger to all of those who prepared. Also, it didn’t stop Street Fighter X Tekken from making it in.
Until either of those gets the numbers of any one of those two titles it is unlikely. Smash 4 had the second most number of entrants last year and Melee has one of the higher stream view counts.
Gaah don’t show me that it still hurts.
I’m so glad you share my love affair with shotguns in shooters. If a game has bad shotguns, I tend to not like it.
I personally find the Battlefield ones more boring. Mostly people just shooting the sniper around and getting lucky. Then again I’ve played Titanfall so I care about those more.
Why? It’s a common shock instinct and they were shocked. I certainly would never have expected this outcome if I was there.
I picked up the metagame around Platinum, it made a lot more sense by then. Of course, I didn’t know it that well but it was the first time I tried to make pokemon for myself. Once I discovered how easy IV breeding was in X and Y I made tons of pokemon for it. For some reason, I enjoy breeding competitive pokemon…
I remember when that came out. I watched some matches and thought it was interesting. I didn’t realize you couldn’t stutter step micro. That’s an unusual thing to take out of it.
I do agree with you. Levelling to 100 in this game is terrible. Conceptually, hyper training is great even if the access to them is not great. If you still have banked legendaries, get them to level 100 in ORAS first. You can use secret bases to level 100 your pokemon easily.
Also I ‘d like to add that I totally…
I don’t think they’ve set rules for that but they will mix it up. In the last season they allowed you to have two Mythic pokemon (Legendaries usually banned from all official formats) on your team.
There are mega pokemon in this game. They don’t have all of them but they do have them. I suspect next season will…
I enjoy SC2 much more as a spectator but the hard line Brood War pros will always prefer BW. I feel like the reason is twofold. It is easier to love Star Craft if you were on top while its popularity in South Korea was at its peak. SC2 has a lot more competition from MOBAs nowadays.
The cynic in me thinks the real…
Fantastic article. I think the biggest problem is that this is a slower metagame of pokemon in general. There are fast pokemon still but the average is much lower. Mega Charizard would threaten the crap out of this thing in a different metagame. Also Thunderous would laugh at its stalling attempts not to mention…
Or just hit it with a flamethrower. HAVE YOU SEEN ITS SPECIAL ATTACK!?
The one problem with this is in VGC (which this is covering). Bank pokemon won’t be allowed. Ultra Beasts being allowed with no restrictions seemed odd to me but a lot of them are fairly frail which doesn’t work well in doubles.
Difficulty to acquire shouldn’t matter in a battling system. If you are using a pokemon without looking up its movepool then you are going to lose in battles anyways. When I battle randoms and I see a team of all legendaries. I know its going to be an easy fight because they probably don’t know what they are doing.…
Hyper training eliminates the need to worry about anything but natures for legendaries unless you WANT one of the stats specifically low. When the bank opens, I’m hyper training all of my competitive legendaries.
A miserable pile of graphics cards?
Voltorb. Klefki may be uninspired but it isn’t lazy.