
I actually thought it was cool. Reminds me of Sudowoodoo. You look at it and think it is one thing when it is actually just another.
Then again my favorite pokemon is Dunsparce so what do I know.

I don’t know why I’m doing this. You probably don’t care.
Vanillite (the ice cream pokemon) is actually a normal round ice creature that has snow gathered around its body (looking similar to an ice cream cone). It isn’t an ice cream cone that has become self aware. It merely looks like one.

Actually, magikarp gets three different attacks so it isn’t quite the same.

It’s actual name is cosmog. In the game, the cosmog Lillie owns is nicknamed Nebby. Also, it’s a nebula.

I was thinking about the earlier Pokemon Uranium. Thank you for correcting me.

I could see that for controversial games like this one. But say you have a fan game that only has about 100 or so downloads. I don’t think that compares to an obscure video game title that got an actual physical release. I also personally have trouble putting importance behind a game where most of the creative

This isn’t really about preservation. This is just a romhack fangame. I get the feeling that Nintendo doesn’t want to allow high profile pokemon fan games interfering with the attention for the new games. After all, wouldn’t you rather play the free game that has everything you love about pokemon in it rather than

I would LOVE to have more of these kinds of articles. Even if it isn’t just about pokemon. I find metagame conversations interesting. It lets me understand what is strong in a game and what mind games happen even if I haven’t played it.

It’s mostly a puzzle platformer. Any time you encounter an enemy, you generally run away or hide from it.

Better than boxing gloves

I now just want a definition of fighting game. Something I can hold up and show if one game matches it and another doesn’t. I personally consider smash a hybrid. Much like Metroid Prime is a hybrid shooter metroidvania. Smash is a brawler/fighting game (especially Smash 4 since it was designed with fighting game

If you want to start this discussion then I’m game. What makes a fighting game to you.

FEAR was SO much fun as a run n gun shooter. As a fellow shotgun enthusiast. I have to agree with you on the fun factor for that shotgun. The only issue I give with that game is that it has a pretty weak finale. It suffers from the age old “I’m hoarding all the ammo for this really awesome rocket launcher for the

I thought that only my middle school ever played it. After middle school this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone else mention this card game.

It’s a pretty great game. The combat isn’t great but the game has a pretty big sense of humor about itself. There’s multiple endings and pretty well hidden secrets in the game. Also, the soundtrack is pretty nice.

Now playing

This is the first time I’ve ever seen the game Magi-Nation referenced outside of my middle school and it makes me pretty happy. The game was full of humor and secrets and a fantastic low-fi soundtrack (The manual to the game actually had sheet music to one of the songs). I wish more people played it.