Sir Dipping Sauce

I got ya J Jonah Jameson right here.

Black Adam as a WMD. So the Rock is going to do what he did in Mummy Returns?DC is once againacting like they don’t know what they are doing when it comes to their movies.

It is one of the Good Numbers, along with 420, 666 and 311.

My guess is Darkseid will probably have a cameo but nothing more

The only real question I have is whether Darkseid shows up in the third act or is just teased at the end of the credits.

That was the only reason I could see for it.

My theory is that a number of their very expensive original shows get embarrassingly low ratings, and their Adam Sandler crap gets the highest ratings, and they don’t want shareholders demanding less quality content and more crap. Refusing to release the numbers allows Netflix to control their own narrative.

In Baltimore for Cable + Internet i’m paying $230

I overall liked what we got, but felt the story had a few problems, and the ending was one of them. That it was rushed certainly didn’t help matters, but I also felt it was the wrong decision to send Jack back to the past in the first place.

But in S2, Paul Reiser was essentially a good guy, demonstrating that government is merely a tool that can both help and harm. He did, after all, use his gubmint authoritah to provide Eleven with a chance at a normal life, show Nancy and whathisface exactly what was going on despite their lack of security c,earance,

but this kneeling is only slightly related to the original kneeling. There was kneeling about police brutality, then about doing it to prove it could be done, and now it’s becoming a way to protest an idiot owner. We’re creeping closer and closer to the kneeling-cause-of-the-week.

“The part that’ll really bake your noodle is if you would’ve still broken the vase if I hadn’t said anything”

That’s a predestination paradox. You just have to accept that that is how it always was, time travel from people not yet born included... :)

I love the book, but that version of time travel bothers me too. First because, as you say, it requires something in the future to happen before something in the past, which is twisty in a way some may find satisfying but I do not. Second, any time that the time travelers lack free will ends up seeming paradoxical.

Your analogy is off. I would argue that it should be that you LOVE sushi (because most people who hate BvS love Superman and/or Batman) and, instead of “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” (which is highly respectful of traditional sushi), the movie is called “Guy Fieri Dreams of Sushi”

I was going to argue with him, but we both have moms named Leota.

I live in the middle of dumbfuckistan....in the actual country no less. Here is a condensed conversation I had yesterday with a farmer talking about football (since he went to one of the state schools and I went to the other about a thousand years ago).

I hate that Star Destroyers can operate in atmosphere (e.g. hovering over Jedha or Lothal) and that ships can jump to hyperspace from within a gravity well.

How many have YOU seen? And if yours looks ANYTHING like these photos.....Brother, you should see a doctor!

approximately would work....vaguely would also be acceptable...even some version of if you squint they sorta...