It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that you are now expected to tip for every goddamn thing. There is a reason why no other country in the world does tipping like US does. It’s absurd to tip a person for doing their job.
It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that you are now expected to tip for every goddamn thing. There is a reason why no other country in the world does tipping like US does. It’s absurd to tip a person for doing their job.
One thing I don’t understand is tipping at a Starbucks or whatever your regional variant is (it’s Caribou Coffee here in Minnesota).
Let me just re-write this whole article for you.
That is how much you should tip someone for doing their job. If I’m paying $300+ a night i don’t expect the fucking housekeeping to be underpaid.
Two issues with this. (Really one, because they’re inherently connected.)
Keep in mind that in the Western world, this is a problem that’s fairly exclusive to the USA, staff in Europe are paid a living wage. If you tip in the EU it’s a courtesy for a job well done, rather than a necessity for the staff to have a half-decent wage.
you should tip zero. Tipping is wrong, encourages businesses to pay people less. If you tip to one person, you should tip everyone. Serving tables or cleaning rooms is not more or less of a profession than, say working at a call center or babysitting your child. You either tip everyone or you don’t tip anyway. UNLESS…
This is my problem. Instead of expecting guests to help your people make a living wage, how about you pay them a living wage? Raise the room rate by $3 a day and give it all to housekeeping and then we won’t have to make up for your shitty business practices.
Hotels charge hundreds of dollars a night for a room and we’re supposed to supplement their staff’s wages on top of that? Actually, they’re incentivizing us to not even use the service by offering points for not using housekeeping services at all. Which I find additionally mean to their employees (hey you get to work…
But the author didn’t say the majority of the US, they said all of it. Definitive statements on broad topics tend to be the tools of the uneducated. Sorry if you disagree, but her statement was factually false.
While we’re at it, I might as well put in a quick plug for the Eat Less Food diet and the Spend Less Money budget.
Pretty much 2 XCOM games. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen and Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Couldn’t decide between the two, so I got both, and am liking both.
Ease up on the logic you goddamned libtard!
Person 1 - Please lord help us
How does your foot taste?
First off the entire world besides America calls it football not soccer. Second, take your xenophobia somewhere else.
Dead body will be moved after 1 hour?