Sir Dipping Sauce

Exactly. Lots of really awesome shit I loved, but even more boring/stupid shit I disliked.


Never heard of Death Grips before but I’m always down for some new rap music. That was.....horrible. Jesus wtf did I just listen to?

I just started watching this show last month. I’m halfway through season 2 and I’m not really sure how I feel about it. Cameron’s character was pretty awesome in season 1 but I feel like they’ve changed her quite a bit going into S2 to the point that I can’t stand her whenever she shows up. This season as a whole has

You really should. That whole no soap for cast iron thing is a myth.

My knives (sometimes)

I’d potentially agree with you there if TFA wasn’t just a cheap rehash of something we’ve already seen.

Grew up with 7 fishes as well. Not getting it for the past 4 years has been one of the hardest bits about living far from my family during the holidays.

Only thing better than manicotti is stuffed shells.

Fuckin Ricky Hitler

They do indeed, but I don’t really see how that’s relevant here.

You-peel shrimp is just a marketing ploy to get the costumer to do work the cook should have done in the kitchen.

I honestly think they coulda made a good movie if they went Flash Thompson Agent Venom but I have a hard time seeing Eddie Brock Venom working without Spidey.

Anyone still enjoying The Gifted? I tried to get into it, gave it 8 episodes but just meh... like I was watching it to pass time rather than enjoying the show.

Why.....why do people serve shrimp with the shells still on? It’s even worse when they’re covered in sauce.

Psssst you’re sayin Marvel can’t pull something off cause DC failed at something similar. See the mistake here? Lol

You accidentally put > when really it should have been <. Those two cartoons aren’t even in the same realm as each other when it comes to quality.

The worst thing Spidey had goin as far as animation was their attempts at mixing CGI into the show. Otherwise no dude, X-men was a lot worse in that regard, especially the later seasons.

I really enjoyed that as well, it’s a shame that whole element was missing in the movie.

About 2 years ago I got into a hard core nostalgia kick. Rewatched a lot of my favorite super hero shows. 90's Spidey, still great, Batman:TAS, phenomenal. X-men.....got through maybe 3 episodes before I gave up on that one.