Sir Dipping Sauce

If Spider-Man was actually that interesting they wouldn’t need a million different clones and variations of him....

What lessons would they be? I just watched WW a few days ago and found it boring, entirely too long, and with low quality CGI. For most of the movie I was thinking “well, it’s not good but at least its not the suck fest the previous films have been.” , then the laughable CGI fest that was the final fight rolled around

Ron Perlman

I just throw everything in the food processor. Works nicely if I plan on adding minced garlic or anything like that to it.

Nice, I’ll have to give that a try next time I make it.

Just saw WW a few days ago. I didn’t mind the reveal with it being him but seeing him in the helmet looked ridiculous. Not to mention that, that whole CGI fest at the end there was laughably bad.

You know what site you’re on right? They don’t do “creativity” or “proof reading” here.

Citric acid works great too if you don’t want the end result to be too vinegary.

If you put a weight on top of the yogurt(I use a cast iron with a few plates in it) you can have the cheese done in less than 12hrs.

First season is a bit rough at points and definitely drags the first couple episodes but I’d reccommend giving it another shot. S1 took me a couple weeks to watch. I watched the next 3 seasons in less than a week.

Now playing

And it’s one of my biggest complaints with the new SW films. There was nothing that really struck me or remained memorable about the new sound tracks. Oh well.

Closely related is a bit of an understatement. They’re all actually the exact same genus/species. Just selected for different traits.

Lack of proof reading.

Duel of the Fates is probably my favorite bit of SW music.

Look, I fuckin LOVEEEEEEEEE Miles Morales and absolutely can’t wait for the animated movie with him, but lets not kid ourselves here. There is no way in hell Miles even comes close to comparing with Pete. He simply hasn’t been around long enough or had any kind of impact remotely close to that of Peter Parker. Maybe

Wouldn’t have it any other way :P

Iron Spider is my third favorite alt.

That one has always been a favorite of mine as well. I think I just like the FF one more cause it favors white instead of black. Comes off as more striking.

Captain Universe Spidey is from Earth-13.

It was intentional. Picked it up in school from a programming teacher.