Sir Dipping Sauce

That’s the one. Was that announced earlier than E3? I just heard of it yesterday, was surprised to not see it on this list.

What about the Mario “Xcom” game? Or was that announced previously?

So Say We All.

As much as I love Shenmue it was most definitely NOT the first game with QTE. A quick google search would have told you that.

Same rule applies there. I’ve gotten some nasty huge welts, just gotta make sure you don’t touch it and you’ll fair much better.

Yup. I actually prefer onion as I think it works a little bit better and smells waaaaaaaaaay nicer when youre rubbing it on.

Rub on grill before adding meats to prevent them from sticking.

I live in a tropical rain forest. Needless to say we have a LOT of mosquitoes here. As long as you don’t scratch your bites they will stop bothering you in less than 10 minutes. Just suck it up and occupy your mind with something else for a bit and before you know it you’ll forget you were even bit.

Uhhh... you’ve seen Civil War right? We already saw Tony give him the suit....soooooooooo

Why? Are you suggesting when the movie comes out suddenly Tony isn’t going to be the one who gave him the suit and gadgets when we’ve already seen that he did.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is only going off of the trailers, but Tony’s role seems to severely undermine Peter’s own intelligence. I would have preferred it be something like Tony recognizing Peter’s intelligence but seeing he was too poor to really do anything and essentially saying “Here’s my

“Most couples—heterosexual couples in particular—get caught in the trap of thinking of sex as just intercourse”

Now playing

Who’s this guitar-playing son-of-a-bitch?

I like the concept of that image but if I’m being perfectly honest, it kinda looks like shit. I can’t quite put my finger on it, like overly CGI and fake looking? unno.

I once bought a 40lb jackfruit to try this and a bunch of other recipes. Then I found out I’m allergic to jack fruit. That was fun trying to offload lol.

You’ve seen a dick before right? Cause it’s pretty obvious from this article you have no fucking clue how they work.

Shhhhh stop pointing out the obvious. SJW’s don’t like that kinda stuff.

Those of us that are confident in what we have?

I really wanted to like that film. In the end it turned out to be cliched and boring.

I tried really hard to like this game. Can’t play it for more than 20min without getting extremely bored with how repetitive it is.