Sir Dipping Sauce

To run with your analogy, my take away was , these mother fuckers can’t cook for shit, but god damn do they make a damn fine dessert.

FWIW I went to culinary school and was taught the whole “use your knuckles as a guide and feed the food toward the knife thing”. It didn’t work out for me. I got it down, but I never got fast at it. In the end I just did what worked for me but was still safe. IE just make sure you don’t have any fingers stickin out :P

“I have a minor phobia of sharp knives...”

“Never cook with a wine you wouldn’t drink. Don’t use ‘cooking’ wines.”

“The thought of eating something that crawls around cleaning the walls of my fish tank has never been that appealing to me. “

There is a South American tribe that uses cane toad “milk” to tip their poison arrows.

You can select any unit on the battlefield and play as it. That said, the game still gets pretty boring pretty fast.

I’ve taken amanitas before. Legit thought I was gonna die.

Could be worse. You could live somewhere where the toads are the size of your foot. Walking around at night, thinkin “ehhh that’s just a rock” as you place your foot down and realize “nope, that shits alive”

I have 3 mango trees in my yard. Last year during peak I’d go out every day and collect all the mangoes that had fallen off the tree. I was averaging around 100 mangoes a day. At one point I literally had 1,400 mangoes in my kitchen.

Don’t really think the price of juice in Hawaii is really relevant. How much you figure you’ll be paying in shipping cost to get these dumb ass bags all the way out to Hawaii?

Ultimately I agree. Just coulda swore I read Gunn saying somewhere that Bowie would be back on Awesome Mix vol2 , around the time of Bowie’s passing, 

Shame there is no Bowie this time around. Otherwise, awesome set list. Can’t wait to hear how a lot of these songs are used in movie.

You, do not, HASSEL the Hoff

Haven’t seen that in a few years. Pleasant surprise to see how much has been added.

HELL YEA! This is great.

Well.... Clone Wars certainly got there at points. For example we saw Maul impale Satine through the chest right in front of Obi.

Did you read that elsewhere? I thought it coulda been a noghri but wasn’t fully convinced.

Seems like it was banned due to all different kinds of contamination.

but Zaph never went into the Total Perspective Vortex. That was the whole point. It woulda destroyed him just as well as it does any other being.