Sir Dipping Sauce

Same here. When I first tried playing it was broke as fuck. There were literally parts I could not progress past because Batman would not ungrapple from the wall in a certain section. Maybe I’ll go back and give it another shot.

But its a QUINDENT! That’s like 66% more bad ass!

IIRC the same person directed the first 2 episodes of both shows.

That hasn’t been my experience at all when it comes to poultry. When I do breasts for example I cook em for an hr, I’ve left them in there for 2-3 before and they just never tasted as good, at least to me.

They have. Just beat 1 and am working on 2 now.

“However, Avengers is such a major brand, I just can’t see them passing on millions of buyers. which means, Very good chances.”

Meanwhile we have a meme about the fact that Republicans blamed literally everything on Obama for the past 8 years, but yes, please be nice to Mr Trump -_-

Yea, I mean I’ve seen fancy boxes made specifically for black garlic that maintain proper RH, but it seems to work just as well with the other methods so, unno.

Hmm, why isn’t this a problem when doing black garlic in other methods such as in a rice cooker or a dehydrator? Especially in the latter.

Also true, but I’d be concerned about the quality of the resulting garlic if you were to do something like oxtail that takes 2 days.

I’m still pushing for black garlic. It’s super tasty and good for you but unfortunately pretty damn expensive. The prospect of being able to make a whole bag of it for rather cheap is pretty exciting IMO.

Just picked up Warhammer 40k Sanctus Reach and will probably be playin that.

And while we’re at it, helping those with nut allergies, put pumpkin seeds in your pesto to replace the pine nuts.

Awesome. I’ve been thinking a lo about going back to this game lately. This was all (and more) the motivation I needed.

Pretty much in the same boat as you. That trailer didn’t help expectations.


Orrrrrrrrrrrrr avoid buying a tool that only has one use and just use a cooling rack.