Sir Dipping Sauce

All the stars. Just watched this episode a few days ago.

Same reason we call it Canola Oil instead of “Rape Oil” lol

The only thing I can think is that it’s one of those shows you had to see while or around the time it was on. Just felt super dated to me.

I tried and tried and I just couldn’t get into this show. It was farrrrrrr to campy for my liking. I also felt like it was just recycling the plot ever 2-3 episodes in s1-2

“ and I imagine we had some peanut oil on our hands occasionally”

FWIW I used to eat peanuts as a child. It wasn’t until I was about 4 that I almost died from a pb&j. Guess some of us are just doomed either way lol.

I had a family member that started to randomly lose their hearing. Turned out when they were cleaning their ears with Q-tips each time they were also compacting ear wax into the inner ear. Eventually it clogged up completely and dried up into a large blockage.

My main concern with it being a movie is tonally, it’d be a bit too light. It seems Netflix is the only place Marvel is willing to do darker stories and well, this is Moon Knight we’re talking about.... lol

I agree. Moon Knight is wayyyy better for a Netflix show.

Look forward to the doc, but kinda upset to hear about the movie. Was kinda hoping Slender Man was was something we’d see covered on Channel Zero. Seems less likely to happen with a recent movie about him.

And nachos would be? Genuinely curious as to what your getting at. Is it the amount or the toppings that makes it not nachos?

Any word on when we’ll get mod support on this game? Some features in the game just feel so utterly broken I’m having a hard time playing.

I just hooked a friend up with some games for his super old POS laptop.To add to your list, here’s what I gave him.

THANK YOU! For a while I was starting to think I was the only one who hated his take on Kingpin.

True, but it hasn’t been said Harrelson is playing a human. Most people watched TFA and never realized Unkar Plutt was Simon Pegg

Lol sorry, used to work at an aquarium store and got in the habit of writing g for gallons :P

This. The Star Wars universe is so stupid big, stop telling me stories about the same characters, it makes it feel small.

IIRC the Anova is only rated to heat 5g of water.

I don’t know if this is something you’d be willing to attempt because it’s gonna take more than a week to do, but I’d love to see you make black garlic.