Sir Dipping Sauce

“When you think about it, there is no reason to buy limes except for their juice.“

Now playing

I post this every chance I get. Fuck vertical videos

I’ve been kinda hoping her parents are revealed to be essentially a bunch of nobodys

I’ve never played Civ Rev but heard the complexity was toned down quite a bit for it compared to normal Civ games. That said, I feel like if you were playing any iteration of Civ, you could get the hang of this one after a game or so. I say it’s worth giving it a shot, maybe start with Civ V though since its a lot

Mannnnnn, was really hoping that chili won; supposed to enter a chili contest this week, woulda been great to see how sous vide handled it. Ah well, guess I’ll wing it :P

How long would you say this ginger paste is good for? Ginger is stupid cheap here (like 50 cents a pound), so I tend to use it in a LOT of my cooking. If i could roast up a few pounds to have on hand, that’d be great.


Ok, so I recently went back to Civ V vanilla due to some friends I was playing online with not having BNW. God, forgot how much that game sucked as vanilla lol . So many features I took for granted in BNW I forgot were additions. As it stands, I’d say Civ VI vanilla is better than Civ V vanilla but Civ V BNW is still

While that’s nice to hear, it’s IMO not something that should have to be “worked on” it shoulda just been included from launch.

Walls definitely make them tougher, but not that much. The one I took with a lone unit had the bombardment attack as well as an encampment(so bombardment from that too.) Unless you have a lot of units in your city, it’s gonna fall really easy.

I’ve got about 450 hrs clocked on CIV V. I played VI for about 11hrs today. I couldn’t manage more than an hour in BE before I said fuggit and never picked it up again.

I hate that I read that. I’m going to be disappointed with who ever gets picked now.

Really? I thought it was Fred? :P

The comments post in a weird order here, it’s sometimes hard to see if someone else replied without scrolling through a long list of other sub conversations.

I don’t a whole lot about it , but it kinda strikes me the same way torrent clients do. uTorrent, Transmission, etc, can all be used for illegal things but the clients themselves aren’t illegal.

.....except Red Dead Redemption was never ported.

I did beef tongue a few days ago as well. I’m kinda afraid of this months electric bill TBH.

You ain’t kiddin, that game is fuckin amazing. One of the few open world games I go back and play through every few years. Something I’ve ever done that with a GTA title. Most fun I get outta old GTA games is “ya... I guess ill go blow up some shit for 20min or so”

I’ve done frittatas before. As long as you precook the veggies and grease the jars they come out awesome. It is kinda weird sliding this eggy cylinder outta a mason jar but with slices you have some fancy lookin frittata discs.