What a selfless individual. You almost did it without telling the whole world, too!
I just made a monthly recurring donation that was about what my 2017 raise was. I haven’t gotten used to having yet, so I don’t need it.
A federal judge in Brooklyn has granted a stay halting Donald Trump’s dangerous, xenophobic immigration ban, after…
The Xbox One is getting an update soon, and one of the more interesting changes is the addition of a “copilot” mode, which will let two controllers be assigned to one player. This is great news for disabled and young gamers especially, who can use the feature to assign controls or have someone help them out.
I’m all about teasing the nipple to get more milk.
I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,…
Metroid has been a niche title since day one. It holds a prominent position in the minds of gamers, but as far as sales go, it’s always been a relatively modest seller, particularly compared to virtually every other major franchise Nintendo has. Plus it has always seriously under-preformed in Japan, and Nintendo is…
The N64 and Gamecube were both decently powerful (obviously the N64 was in someways more powerful than the PS1), so it’s more that people would like Nintendo not to go the Wii/WiiU route graphically.
But how else am I going to spend a whole paycheck on a multi-day gauntlet of blistering sun, filthy hordes, and 2 bands I actually like embedded deep within 17 I don’t?
Of course Durant is having a career year; what am I, simple?
That is the best revenge. Especially anal.
And then you sexed their daughter?
When news broke that Kaepernick got benched my girlfriend’s parents both repeatedly said, “Serves him right. I hope they lose every game.”
Stuff like this is so damaging to the reputation of the Greek male bodybuilding community.
It’s fine, but too often the ribs are broken.
As a black guy...It’s not. I like LeBron but this is hypersensitivity at its finest. Posse is nowhere near “thug”, “rioters”, “n*****”, or any number of other words.
Not to say that I love her method of making games (it’s interesting to say the very least-and I’ve not played a game she’s made), but games with a message can be fun and it really does not preclude “dumb and fun” games from releasing. Doom this year was awesome. But i was not about to buy another “KRATOS ANGRY KRATOS…
But it endorses police brutality!
rough up the suspect