Nintendo denies Wii U ever existed
Nintendo denies Wii U ever existed
Not only is the game very popular, but Mr. Gach seems to particularly enjoy writing about the competitive gaming scene, and the Overwatch World Cup is going on.
Giving people what they ask for rarely works out. Even if it does at first, it’s forgettable later. Give people what they really want, and understand that often people don’t know what they really want.
At this point I honestly rather pay a little to mess around with vr for a while rather than spend 400+ for a device with very few games and and still highly experimental software. May buy one when the technology is cheaper and developers know what to do with it.
That’s so sweet! Definitely call your aunt and tell her how much it meant to you. It’s always lovely to know you had an impact on someone, even if what you did seemed small at the time.
Good story man, your aunt rocks and so do these mock ups!
My family grew up very poor, so we got a ton of gaming stuff second hand, or broken from neighbors. SInce my twin brother and I have a birthday very close to christmas, we usually shared a gift if it wasn’t clothes. On christmas day, My aunt surprised us with an N64 with a purple controller, with some of her bonus,…
You asked for information and I supplied it. Digital Foundry has analyzed it, believes it’s Tegra 2 related parts.
I really want this to be great. I want a Nintendo we can believe in, again. I want Nintendo to be great again. Make Nintendo great again!
So by the time I wake up tomorrow the entire world well be telling us how Nintendo is done for and they’re out of the console gaming business etc etc etc right?
I’m gonna buy 2 of them. No wait, 3. No wait, 4. No wait...
His reaction reminds me of the Valentine’s Day episode on The Simpsons when Lisa breaks Ralph Wiggum’s heart on national TV. Only for Lisa to return home and have Bart show her the exact moment in slow motion replay when Wiggum’s heart breaks.
76%, keep up...
It does matter. Most men do not cheer on the attitude toward women displayed by Trump. I would never say most women are gold diggers or that most women cheer on those who are. No one would pretend those people don’t exist, but to generalize about all is a big mistake, and creates a deluded sexist animosity.
My advice is start small. If you don’t want you kids hearing this from a presidential candidate or anyone else start telling men in your own environment off for doing this shit. I think it will help your kids far more, because let me tell you that in my own experience hearing this from men I know hurts far worse than…
Donald Trump has a speech pattern where he leaves a few words out, expecting the listener to fill in the blanks. I suspect what he was saying here was, “I moved on her like a son-of-a-bitch,” ie: very forcefully or aggressively (not necessarily in the literal, physical sense at this point), “but I could not make any…