
Are you refering to the coaxial line to the modem? I think that would still be supplying the signal to the modem, regardless of whether it’s on or off.

Are you refering to the coaxial line to the modem? I think that would still be supplying the signal to the modem,

She really could have used a pile of guns to cushion her fall.

Tom Cruise, his family is scientology.

Diner: “Can I have the double bacon cheeseburger, fries, beer and the injured player walk-through special please.”

Waiter: “Would you like the special teams player injury or can I interest you in upgrading to a starter?”

Hey thanks for correcting my typo. You’re def not the only one on the web who thinks their supposedly superior grammar skills makes them better critical thinkers as well.

JC on one side, Charlie Manson on the other. Clearly the lady’s a politician.

My emotions.

The comments on here: “this is a cash grab” “Rayman did it first.”

Yeah that’s it.

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?

Yup. It’s a matter of perspective. To some, a cross is a symbol of hope and salvation; to others it’s a medieval torture device; to still others it’s a symbol of occupation and oppression. To the people for whom Colin is speaking (not necessarily himself, mind you, because he happens to possess that all-to-rare trait

Jesus can people stop with the good old days shit. NFL 2k was the best game ever!

I still think nfl 2k5 was the greatest sports game ever made. Perfect balance of hardcore/realistic strategy and flat out fun.

I still pull out 2k5 from time to time. Best NFL game ever made. People are making roster updates for it even now, though I haven’t tried them out

I haven’t bought a football game since NFL 2K5 because Madden still hasn’t caught up to where the 2K series was for fun.

that assumes that people playing a game are entitled to be disruptive and people who own property in an area have to defer to them, which is not a conclusion i find compelling. people playing a game in an area that is not their property need to be respectful of the people’s property they are on, not the other way

I agree. Also, this type of shaming is coming from a bad angle that just renders the whole thing embarrassing.

I got a GTX1060 2 weeks ago. I had a GTX 650 before so I was due for an upgrade. My 650 managed to play Fallout 4 in 720 with medium settings and kept a framerate of 25-30 but my new 1060 runs it at 60fps on ultra in 1080p. It runs so quiet and so cool too. It never went above 50 degrees Celsiuss. I was tempted by the