
Omg it looks so cooooool

Why don’t we see more black WWE stars?

QUOTE | “We created this situation ourselves as game developers. 100,000 developers each deciding to accept those terms, we’ve created this monster that we’re now trapped with - and it’s taking 30% of revenue.” - Epic Games’ Tim Sweeney says developers need to consider the long-term implications of actions like

Wouldn’t you know it. A similar thought crossed my mind.

Looks choppy as heck to me...

They haven’t done it cuz there’s no reason to do it. It’ll be played by all of 2 people.

Id definitely take this better designed system for $60 cheaper than the not so well designed one with 3D, and I actually like the 3D effect of the 3ds.

Is that good? Cuz it doesn’t seem like a lot...

Also refreshing to see that every single comment haan basically been, fcuk you Nintendo.

I’m constantly finding myself defending Nintendo. At this point in time, I’m done. Instead of a smooth, intuitive solution, they come out with one as convoluted as expected, but hoped they wouldn’t.

I’ve never watched dr who anything, ever.

On the other hand, so what if black men are dating white women? To spin it as ‘leaving black women’ to go to ‘their conditioned since birth standard of beauty’ actually makes it seem like you have an inferiority complex.

I’m not concerned about the price. I’m not a 16 year old scrounging for cash. I have a job, and most gamers now are 30+ so it wouldn’t be an issue for anyone looking for a premium experience.

Voice chat via a phone huh. Hmmm. I guess it depends on the practical implementation. In other words, how easy it is to use, how seamless the experience is, lag, and just as importantly, will the GAME MUSIC COME OUT OF THE APP while we chat or does Nintendo expect us to only wear one headphone, or 2!! Headphones.

I loved all the 3D Mario games, yet I didn’t like 3D world. Come to think of it, I didn’t like anything in the Wii U. Right, the control pad, it sucked. Didn’t at all feel organic and natural to use.

Putting the press conferences aside, which system actually has the best games coming out for it over all, and which ones?

I rarely play single player games, if ever. I’d rather pay $60 for a multiplayer only game than $30 for a single player only game. Play it once or twice and it’s relegated to rotting in the hard drive... no thanks!

God damn people complain a whole lot. It’s one thing if game like these don’t sell, but they do, so clearly A LOT of people like them. See Destiny. And this looks like a much better version of Destiny to me. Way More organic. I always hated the empty wastelands of Destiny. This looks alive. Makes all the difference to

I’m glossing over the article and wondering WHY WHY WHY do people waste their time going after useless old crap like this. The I saw the pic you posted and the nostalgia hit me, and I blurted out OMG Street Figher 2, Mario kart, super Mario bros. I want it!

Someoneeee needs to get laaidddd