
Hey you look amazing, must be a gymnast!

Ego n Pride. Not always a good thing.

As an immigrant, this SCaRES THE FCUK OUTTA ME!

Hillary would’ve been so much better than Trump. Without question. It’s also possible that she would’ve continued a lot of Obama policies, which weren’t perfect but were great for America in general IMO.

Based on the the racist cluster fcuk sweeping the country, I’m inclined to believe that it’s a racially/ethnically charged killing. I know it’s NY and it’s not as big an issue here but, sixth sense and stuff..

Also has the potential to be financially lucrative. YouTube views, twitch etc etc

Initially, everyone on his side was like scam or catfish alert because they didn’t realize how rare the odds of finding someone on HOTS really are,” said Venus1812 in a separate exchange. “People just thought we met on a dating website.” But she was from Honduras where she worked as an economist for the United Nations

You make good points, for sure. However, my point isn’t limited to this particular instance. I’m pointing out the way things work in this world, and it happens to be valid here as well.

It’s not like a free trip, exclusive info that helps your business interests, and a little Wining and Dining ever persuaded anyone.....

Their only crime is that they didn’t collude with their arch nemesis and commit treason, otherwise they would’ve got to play golf 5 out if 7 days every week and give a special room to their daughter in the Oval Office to advance her business interests

Good points. I’d also add that it’s not just the low paying/entry level jobs that have left the country. The transfer also includes lots of high level jobs that require education and trainings. Citizens of the world at this point are highly educated and in certain instances more so than their counterparts here in the

I’m using Opera VPN on my Mac and IPhone. It’s free and works perfectly. I’m no guru so i dont know how Much protection it actually provides or what their privacy policy, but they talk up provacy a lot, so I’m assuming that it’s good.

Soo, is link a female?

Wonder if Nintendo will charge for a web browser.. 🤔

Everyone seems to be forgetting that Cousins is a free agent this summer, so he can sign with anyone, not just the team that’s trading for him. That greatly limited the ability of other teams to offer anything substantial out of fear that Cousins would simply leave after the season is over.

That’s looked amazing!

What.. the fcuk

Hey I know, let’s play connect the dots!

Why in the hell are people bitching about Netflix non-availability on the switch? You already have it on your phone, tv, Xbox, PS4, and the blue ray player you probably nEver use.

Enough with the Wii U rants already. No one cares. It’s dead. It’s been dead. It was dead almost from the beginning. It sucks. Everything about it sucks. Be thankful that you’re being thrown a bone with the Zelda release. Quite frankly, it’s Zelda, and should be enjoyed to it’s full potential, and therefore on the