
It's funny how people seem to think of Vader as the principle bad guy in Episode IV, when he spends most of the time taking orders from Tarkin. He doesn't really have a whole lot of authority until Empire.

You took the words right out of my keyboard: Vader didn't blow up Alderaan, that was Grand Moff Tarkin's idea.

Why does everyone blame Alderaan on Vader? He doesn't seem all that hot on the Death Star thing. Tarkin and Palapatine? You betcha.

Although, is a situation where Luke is the only Force-user in the galaxy really "balance"?


When are aliens going to come and save us?

Phew! I was worried for a minute there. Good thing Newt Gingrich knows what's up! This man is a doctor.

As long as you don't mind the rise of giant anthropods as well. Six foot long venomous centipedes and twenty pound spiders for everyone!

just have to...

Dinosaurs? Pffft! Ice Aged megafauna are where it's at!

Ooooooh! Can we have dinosaurs again?!

"There's the truth..." *shakes head sternly* "and 'the truth!'" *nods head happily*

What are you talking about? Just looked at the wikipedia page about long term temperature variation, and it suggests (based on 10 different analysis) that it was a tad colder during the Roman empire's heyday. Do you have any better data? (Non expert, here, obviously.)

Average temperature for 10,000 years? Wow, Jones, you might want to look up how hot it was for the Greeks and Romans.

But Bilbo would still be short, fat, middle aged with curly hair on both her head and feet, right? Not like the illustration above.