tzimtzum does not exist

Let me guess: you emerged from your mother’s womb into a birthing pool filled with people chanting your name, took a breath of clean, suburban Minnesota air, and your first words were your fully formed political ideology... that coincidentally just happens to match verbatim with two pages on Bernie’s campaign website.

I stopped reading after that.

I dunno. Maybe it’s from spending 5 years working in the Brooklyn courthouse where we generally say “judge,” not “Your Honor,” and where if you’re not actually yelling at the judge, you haven’t gone far enough.

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

He’s in a room full of lawyers. And sometimes you need to talk over that judge, if only to demand your rights as a potential defendant. Moreover, there is almost always an Administrative Judge who oversees the other judges.

And when the judge won’t let you get past “Your Honor, if....”???

I am 92% positive these are the same person.

As an attorney, the method for bench bullies I was always taught was to say, “You’re Honor, if you’re going to hold me in contempt, I demand that the charges against me be particularized on the record as proscribed in the Judicial Canon, that a hearing be set on notice of no fewer than thirty days as due process

Bernie Sanders record isn’t nearly as garbage or corrupt as hers. I can confidently say Bernie’s not the reason I worried about losing a friend in Iraq. Or why I know of people who did die. Or that thousands died in Libya because of her planned intervention.

yes. nobody says they are sexist. nobody thinks they are. everyone is sexist...EVERYONE! We are socialized to be sexist.

Well, David Brooks is a moron, to be fair.

I don’t think that Jia is trying to say that the only reason why she is disliked is simply because she is a woman.

Her hobbies are giving millions worth of speeches to Plutocrat, starting wars without a plan after the destruction, and vacationing with the Bush family.

yeah, i don’t disagree with you on the identity politics nightmare of the dem race right now at all, but it is still incredibly remarkable to me that david brooks pinpoints neither her record or her gender as the source of unlikability — and instead brings up the fact that she needs HOBBIES

Exactly. I’m a woman about to be stripped of my vagina for not getting in line behind war and Neoliberal policies.

I think underestimating Clinton’s unpopularity, for whatever reason you subscribe it to, will leave us with a President Trump.

It’s very hard to both acknowledge that Clinton’s popularity is mired by sexist attitudes about women in public life, and that there are also other reasons why folks distrust her or dislike her. If you bring up one of these points, people tend to hit you over the head with the other fact, as if they can’t both be

Well if they don’t make any improvements the whole series will be Finn

They were too Poe to afford any more features.