Potato salad needs to be number #2. Cornbread should move to #5 and kick white bread/rolls down to green salad. I mean wtf is green salad even doing on this list?
Oh God, it’s graduation season. Can’t we pause this somehow? I just got done adjusting to the LAST graduating class…
So perpetuating this intolerance and leaving some disabled woman on the side of the road stranded somehow makes things better in your mind? Are you daft?
But that didn’t happen, did it? We’re talking about a Trump supporter denying a Bernie supporter help. Could the same happen if it was the reverse? Certainly. Would most Trump supporters do the same that this guy did? Likely not, because they’re probably not assholes. But trying to justify this because the possibility…
For some strange reason, I had become fairly fatigued of the Uncharted series to the point of having to force myself to finish 3, but this game has me intrigued again. It looks gorgeous and the action seems to be refreshed enough to be interesting again. And a small thing, but I am a Jeeper through and through and…
MAYBE PEOPLE JUST REALLY LIKE CRANBERRY JUICE. I know I do. I mean, I guess your other thought is UTI or beating a drug test.....
The only thing you got right for Hillary was #10.
Tomato is tricky, but he always leaves us a clue with his tomato-related name. Remember that and you’ll never be fooled, Padawan!
I understand why wealthy people vote republican but I’ll never understand why immigrants support republicans. My father & his side of the family are immigrants and they’re the same way. You’d think you’d want to support fellow immigrants instead of burning the bridge behind you. It’s a lot of “I got mine!”. And…
People seem to be conflating fantasies with realities. They are different. For instance, when a bicycle cuts me off in traffic, I fantasize about hitting them, then I don’t him them, then I get home and do whatever I had planned to do that day. Has anyone been harmed? Am I a danger to society? No. I am just a guy who…
Except nobody is advocating for going on shooting sprees. At most they are talking about how target shooting can be stress relieving.
I think where your argument doesn’t hold water is that her rage is focused. If she was picturing all men or all men who looked like her rapists or all situations that angered her then she might be on her way down that slippery slope, but that isn’t the case. Her rage is specific and because of that it really isn’t all…
True, but I think our society is too harsh on revenge fantasies. It’s our monotheism speaking, always claiming that revenge is incompatible with justice. I never agreed with that statement in its absolutist formulation. I embrace revenge fantasies as the absolute right of any victim.
A gun nut is an individual who holds their 2nd Amendment rights to be more important than the lives and safety of American citizens and opposes any and all gun control measures because of that. You could also describe them as the type of people who never leave the house without a gun in their waistband because you…
It seems to me the practice shooting and the mental processes around it are very different from the act of actually killing people, especially people who didn’t rape you, like in your examples. You’re slippery-sloping this and it’s not intellectually honest.