
The ESRB doesn't have paying membership from gamers, let alone a membership base near the NRA's 4.5 MILLION dues paying members. The NRA is merely reacting to what their membership base wants them to do, they're like any other political advocacy group. They're just, A) very effectively run and B) represent a viewpoint

Considering you typically put 15 rounds into someone to kill them in CoD, yeah I'd say it's pretty not-horrible considering they'd be dead inside of 30 seconds assuming no headshot.

They didn't say graphics make a character more worth caring about.

If I had to play for YEARS I think I would have to choose an MMO simply because they would keep developing and changing. But if that's out of the question (IE, game doesn't get patched or whatever) then I would have to say League of Legends. I could play it for years even on a single balance patch assuming the

His bosses agree he's fired, then tell him he is.

marry me

110/100 god damn this post was GLORIOUS. Seriously I read over this agreeing with your first half-sentence, then kinda-sorta agreeing but confused as to why you would use the term nerd, then everything just turned up to 11.

Man I read this title, and as a guy who doesn't smoke weed and never has, was about to rip into the author for being a moron, because there's nothing wrong with a healthy human smoking pot. Even a lot of it. All the time.

Easily the worst thing about Kotaku

Exact same thing happened with Sonic the Hedgehog. I think there was a Kotaku article about it a while back.

You sound a little defensive, buddy.

Man I don't really follow comics but these "new 52" costumes suck really hard... =(

I enjoyed that post, thank you.

This generation, I bought a 360, then a Wii, and finally a PS3 when the first slim came out.

As someone who has lived in the middle east, he's right. They have their "stoners, jocks and preppies". They have their "wannabee americans" and they also have Islamic fundamentalists who hate the Western World, women's rights, and all the other stuff you hear on Fox News all day.

Ummmm it IS an she was asking for it argument. And they are. Saying she was asking to be ogled is very different from saying she was asking to be raped.

Is that 40 year old woman supposed to be a high school student or is she a teacher?

No, there's not. The only way to voice chat with your team is to use 3rd party software like Skype, Teampeak, Ventrilo etc.

It's nowhere NEAR as bad as Xbox Live. But the nature of the game is such that you are more personally connected with these people for a longer period of time (imagine a game of Call of Duty in which your gun's damage was influenced by the Kill to Death ratio of your teammates, and you are stuck in a single game with