
Wow, really? Must be a gay then haha, just as emotional and illogical as women.

Wikipedia is showing me that XP stopped sales exactly one year after the release of Win7— I hope they follow that model!

Didn't we go through this with MS Office? They had a design that worked for years, change it up for no real reason than because they felt threatened by Apple and by not being "Hip"— God I can picture some focus group now— and then everyone in the world hates it, so the next edition, they change it back about halfway

Feminists: Angry they're ugly.

You sound hostile. Is it your time of the month?

Come to think of it, aren't there so big practical reasons for that, too? I mean what if he had been planning to ask her to marry him? Assuming they're at the same place on the relationship, they should both be yearning for the same type of commitment around the same time, no? Gee, thanks, woman— I just spent $2,000

I would have said no. Hell, I've had this discussion with my fiancee— the man asks, period. What an emasculated wuss.

Thanks to everybody who posted, you all now have me thinking about another 360. I've been looking for a decent excuse to get another, actually.

My 360 Elite died a long time ago and MS wouldn't replace it. Only reason I want another is to play ME3 with my save, and from what I gather I can't use my old HDD with the new slims.

"You kill people! No wonder our country's gone to pot."

Funnily enough I think I'm on there as a single-core. My old desktop rig has been untouched since '04 and has a P4 in it haha. But damn if that machine doesn't run League of Legends and Dota2 fine, and it has a nicer display than the laptop I'm currently using for gaming. Also a fantastic speaker setup. I also play

I know you're Canadian. Reread what I said. You sound like a stereotypical American freaking out when something bad is pointed out about his country.

He's not, lol. His name is Mark Pincus. I don't know where they got Zingus from. He's not like Kim Dotcom, he didn't change his name.

In Canada the average sentence for child molestation is 360 days. We have no sentences without parole. None. The worst sentence you can receive in Canada is life with parole at 25 years (not certain that you'd get parole, but you'd be up for it). And that is 10-25 is ONLY for murder. Anything else, including rape,

Google it yourself. I'm a 22 years old college student, and I really owe nothing to you.

Wow, you really wrote three paragraphs in a fit of rage. lol

Like I said, it sounds like if me and my buddies ran a games company. I mean it's not like he even made his millions through a business venture, he made it playing baseball. It'd be like me winning the lottery and saying "I'm going to start a games company with this!" and hiring my favorite author and artist to start

This is sad. On the one hand, it's easy to get angry at Schilling for being apparently somewhat incompetent. But frankly when I sit and look at it, I and most of my friends would probably have a project end the same way. Never wanting to piss people off, wanting to treat everyone great, try and set up the working

Now playing

ahhh the tension this brings back so many memories