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    Short version: it’s a psychological horror/monster movie that Netflix accidentally put in the category “LGBT Films” which people turned into a running joke that the titular monster is gay.

    Everyone seems to think I don’t like the suit in the trailer. I think it looks GOOD in the trailer. I think the POSTER is the one that flubbed it a bit in the ab area with the over-emphasis and maybe too much contrast. Trailer fixed it, imo.

    Oh you should see tumblr. HUGE amount of acephobes on there insiting Aces are all homophobic straights trying to force our way into the community for insiter reasons. Thankfully the bi and trans folk ain’t having it since a lot of acephobia is recycled biphobia and transphobia.

    Asexy and we know it!

    My dad’s a Navy engineer and the tales he’s told me about contractors...my fav is when they built the boat wrong, for three times as much, and still tried to force the Navy to buy it claiming it could be used for training. An Admiral shut it down by demanding to know how is men could be trained on the wrong kind of

    Happy pride!

    This makes total sense.

    True. And technically they DID find a shit ton of gold in SA (especially w/ the Inca). I liked it more for the “yeah we totally fucking missed it” factor, which again, ancient explorers were good at. Like, Magellan probably had the best sense of where he was going and still got screwed by underestimating just how huge

    Maybe this time he gets to play a well-written character in a superhero movie. My god he was wasted in Fan4stic. Almost everyone was but how does anyone write Johnny Storm that badly? The man had nothing to work with!

    The line “You are a good man but it is hard for a good man to be a king” was so damn perfect. Also his suit looks better in motion than it did on the poster (where I feel the abs on the suit look too painted on).

    Here’s the thing though--and Republican perceived to have Dem support will get sunk too. They’ll get called a RINO and burnt to the ground for not being conservative enough.

    I think they’re both going to be right. Tony’s going to be right that Peter’s being too reckless (let’s face it this is a lesson Tony is made to give, given his part films), and Peter’s going to be right about something else.


    Looks like a Danny Phantom fan. That’s  Butch Hartman style art in the video and the header.

    Yep. This is the only time I’m cool with telling someone to kill themselves: if the plan is to kill other then themselves, no, buddy, just kill yourself right now.

    Yep. I’ve had depression, have anxiety, and sometimes have temper issues. This is why I note that I should not have easy access to a gun, I’m probably not someone who should have that responsibility. I instead spent a lot of time learning to deal with my issues instead of making out with firearms. Because that is what

    Like combine the photo of him kissing a gun in front of Danny Phantom fan art with his massacre video done in Butch Hartman style of drawing...this boy was definitely in my age group and someone I’d have been weirded the fuck out by in fandom. Easily. 

    I had never heard of him period.

    Same here. We read almost the entirety of Huck Finn out loud in tenth grade and SOMEHOW all the white kids like me restrained ourselves and just hummed an “nnnn” sound whenever the word came up (pretty sure all the black kids did too, no one really wanted to say it). Because we didn’t want to be assholes.

    My economics professor liked her and considered her unfairly maligned. I simply googled “why did people not like her policies” and read him a list.